UMA Home page for Nicolas Kielbasiewicz

Correspondant Mathrice
Ingénieur de Recherche
Research activities
C.N.R.S. Engineer (2010- )
- Development of C++ release of finite element software Melina implemented by Daniel Martin, Numerical Analysis team of I.R.M.A.R. (UMR 6625), University of Rennes I and P.O.e.m.s. laboratory (UMR 7231) by merging Montjoie library developped by Marc Duruflé
- Development of associated tools.
Engineer for A.N.R. Micas (2009-2010)
Implementation of adaptative Aitken-Schwarz method to Darcy 3D equation with strong variations of permeability (random behaviour following a lognormal law). This work is part of ANR Calcul Intensif et Simulation 2007 Micas (Modelling and Intensive Computation for Aquifer Simulations). Partners :
- SAGE team of INRIA Rennes
- Transferts team of UMR 6118 Geosciences, Rennes
- LMPG group of Waves and Complex Media Laboratory of University of Le Havre
- National network for hydrogeological sites Ore H+
PhD (2004-2009)
- Subject : Multi-Scale gravitational Dynamics : formation and evolution of a self-gravitating system in an external field
- Supervisors : Jérôme Perez and Marc Lenoir
- Descriptif : Development of an intensive computation algorithm adapted to gravitation and to the multiscale characteristic of the considered systems (MPI-FORTRAN77). The aim is to study the evolution of systems such as a globular cluster in its host galaxy. The algorithm is based on a treecode.
Seminars, Conferences
- Summer School M.O.D.E.S.T. 5c, institut Anton Pannoeke, University of Amsterdam.
For more information about my training and my skills, please consult my web page here.
Teaching activities
Assistant teacher (2007-2009)
Assistant teacher at Université Claude Bernard Lyon I - C.D.C.S.P./I.S.T.I.L./I.C.J.
half-time in 07-08, full-time in 08-09
Génie Logiciel I CM (08-09), TD/TP (07-08)
- Object-oriented programming in C++
- Application to scientific computation : implementation of classes of sparse matrices (aij, csr, full) : elementary matricial operations and some Krylov solvers
Génie Logiciel II CM (08-09), TD/TP (07-08)
- Software building, U.M.L.
- Graphical user interfaces in Java/Swing
Méthodes Numériques pour le Calcul Haute Performance TP
- Parallel computation with M.P.I.
- Application to the implementation of a Schwarz-Jacobi solver for 1D and 2D Poisson problems
Méthodes Numériques de Base TD (08-09)
- Finding zeros
- Interpolation and numerical integration
- Differential equations and matricial systems
- Analyse Vectorielle TD (08-09)
Permis de Conduire Informatique TD/TP (08-09)
- Introduction to networks
- Office softwares : spreadsheets and databases
Outils et Calcul Scientifique CM/TP (08-09), TD/TP (07-08)
- Fortran 90, BLAS, LAPACK
- Source code validation and verification
- Application to scientific computation : implementation and using of structures of sparse matrices (aij, csr, csc, band, full, pack) and elementary operations
Intructorship in Applied Mathematics (2004-2007)
Intructorship in Applied Mathematics at CMAP (Ecole Polytechnique) in MAP431 course Analyse numérique et optimisation : une introduction à la modélisation mathématique et à la simulation numérique
teachers in charge : Grégoire Allaire and Olivier Pantz.
- Practical Work on Finite Differences with Scilab and Finite elements with Freefem++
- Correction of written exam
- Elaboration and management of numerical work.
- Guidance : revising courses, update course in Scilab.
- Management of bigger numerical work for a student repeating a year
I also taught in MAP 311 Course Introduction aux probabilités et à la simulation aléatoire :
- Practical work on Initiation to Scilab
- Guidance : Revising course (2007)
- XLiFE++: a FEM/BEM multipurpose library
Numelec 2017 - 9ème Conférence Européenne sur les Méthodes Numériques en Electrmagnétisme (Paris), nov, 2017
Doctoral these
- Dynamique gravitationnelle multi-échelle : formation et évolution des systèmes auto-gravitants non isolés
ED_447, fév 2009 []
Research report
- Dynamical properties of orbits in a spherical gravitational potential
vol. 24, pp. 1, 2009