Page de Kersten Schmidt

thèse soutenue en 2008

Page personnelle
bureau 13-08
Tél : 01 39 63 59 13


  • Numerics of partial differential equations
  • hp-finite elements with hanging nodes
  • asymptotic expansion techniques
  • modeling of electromagnetics
  • modeling of photonic crystals
  • boundary element method

Articles (revue avec comité de lecture)

S. Fliss, D. Klindworth, K. Schmidt
BIT Numerical Mathematics - vol. 55(1) (pp 81-115 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
D. Klindworth, K. Schmidt, S. Fliss
Comput. Math. Appl. - vol. 67(4) (pp 918-943 ) 
K. Schmidt, A. Thöns-Zueva, P. Joly
Math. Models Meth. Appl. Sci. - vol. 24(9) (pp 1823–1855 ) 
K. Schmidt, R. Kappeler
Optics Express - vol. 18 (7) (pp 7307-7322 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
Z. Angew. Math. Phys. - vol. 61 (4) (pp 603-626 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gifimages/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
C. Engström, C. Hafner, K. Schmidt
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience - vol. 6 (pp 775-783 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
K. Schmidt, P. Kauf
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering - vol. 198 (pp 1249-1259 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
M. Blome, H. Maurer, K. Schmidt
Geophysical Journal International - vol. 176 (pp 740-752 ) 
PAMM - vol. 7 (pp 2040011-2040012 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
K. Schmidt, O. Sterz, R. Hiptmair
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics - vol. 44(6) (pp 686-689 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif

Rapport d'activité

K. Schmidt, Frauenfelder Philipp
ETH Zürich