Page of Patrick Joly

Directeur de Recherche

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Phone : 01 81 87 20 80

Papers in peer-reviewed journal

P. Joly, M. Kachanovska, Z. Moitier
Communication in Partial Differential Equations - vol. 47 (6) (pp 1217-1295 ) 
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 
S. Fliss, P. Joly, V. Lescarret
Pure and Applied Analysis - vol. 3-3 (pp 487--526 ) 
Numerische Mathematik images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
F. Collino, P. Joly, M. Lecouvez
ESAIM M2AN - vol. 54 (pp 775-810 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Networks and Heterogeneous Media - vol. 14 (pp 205-264 ) 
Asymptotic analysis images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Mathematics of Computations - vol. 87 (pp 2775--2810 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
J. Albella Martínez, S. Imperiale, P. Joly, J. Rodríguez
Journal of Scientific Computing - Springer Verlag 
Commun. Part. Diff. Eq. - vol. 42 (11) (pp 1707-1748 ) 
Asymptotic Analysis - vol. 103(3) (pp 103-134 ) 
Journal of Computational Physics - vol. 341 (pp 76-101 ) 
Computers and Mathematics with Applications - Elsevier - vol. 74 (11) (pp 2792-2830 ) 
Archive for rational mechanics and analysis - vol. 219(1) (pp 349-386 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
ESAIM: Math. Model. Numer. Anal - vol. 50 (pp 43-75 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Journal of Integral Equations and Applications - Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium 
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S (DCDS-S) - vol. 8, 3 (pp 521-546 ) 
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 
ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys - EDP Sciences - vol. 50 (pp 113-132 ) 
Applied Numerical Mathematics - vol. 79 (pp 42-61 ) 
F. Collino, P. Joly, M. Lecouvez, B. Stupfel
Comptes Rendus Physique - vol. 15,5 (pp 403 - 414 ) 
K. Schmidt, A. Thöns-Zueva, P. Joly
Math. Models Meth. Appl. Sci. - vol. 24(9) (pp 1823–1855 ) 
B. Delourme, H. Haddar, P. Joly
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences - vol. 13 (23) (pp 2433-2464 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
J. Chabassier, A. Chaigne, P. Joly
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America - vol. 1 (1) (pp 666-685 ) 
J. Chabassier, A. Chaigne, P. Joly
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - vol. 45, 05 (pp 1241-1278 ) 
Communications in Computational Physics - vol. 11(2) (pp 303-318 ) 
Communications in Computational Physics - vol. 11(2) (pp 508-524 ) 
Journal of Computational Physics - vol. 231(4) (pp 1244–-1271 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
SeMA Journal - vol. 57 (pp 5-48 ) 
M2AN Math. Model. Numer. Anal (pp 875-909 ) 
B. Delourme, H. Haddar, P. Joly
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées - vol. 98 (1) (pp 28-71 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Numerical Analysis and Applications - vol. 5 (pp 136-143 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics - vol. 4 (12) (pp 647-664 ) 
M3AS - vol. 21(5) (pp 1121-1151 ) 
T. Abboud, P. Joly, J. Rodríguez, I. Terrasse
J. Comput. Phys. - vol. 230, 15 (pp 5877–5907 ) 
Note aux comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Série I 
SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics - vol. 70 (pp 2449-2472 ) 
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering - vol. 199 (pp 2779-2795 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Applied Numerical Mathematics - vol. 59 (9) (pp 2155-2178 ) 
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics - vol. 234(6) (pp 1953-1961 ) 
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics - vol. 234(6) (pp 1886-1895 ) 
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations - vol. 25 (3) (pp 526--551 ) 
J.-C. Gilbert, P. Joly
Partial Differential Equations : Modeling and Numerical Simulation - Springer - vol. 16 (pp 67--93 ) 
ESAIM: proceedings - vol. 25 (pp 44-67 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gifimages/icons/doctype_link.gif
M2AN, Math. Model. Numer. Anal. - vol. 42 (2) (pp 193--221 ) 
H. Haddar, P. Joly, H. N'Guyen
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences - vol. 18, 10 (pp 1787--1827 ) 
SIAM journal on Scientific Computing - vol. 29(3) (pp 1127-1159 ) 
Revue Africaine de la Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées - vol. 5 (pp 65-79 ) 
P. Joly, J.-R. Li, S. Fliss
Communications in Computational Physics - vol. 1(6) (pp 945-973 ) 
Journal of Computational Physics - vol. 211(1) (pp 9-35 ) 
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation: A SIAM Interdisciplinary Journal - vol. 5 (1) (pp 304--336 ) 
M2AN Math. Model. Numer. Anal - vol. 40 (1) (pp 63-97 ) 
M. Duruflé, H. Haddar, P. Joly
Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences de Paris Serie Physique - vol. 7 (5) (pp 533-542 ) 
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering - vol. 195, 29-32 (pp 3820--3853 ) 
Applied Numerical Mathematics - vol. 56, 10-11 (pp 1432--1449 ) 
A. Chaigne, P. Joly, L. Rhaouti
Dossiers Pour la Science - vol. 52 (pp 66-72 ) 
A. Chaigne, G. Derveaux, P. Joly
Dossiers Pour la Science - vol. 52 (pp 74-75 ) 
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis - vol. 43 (pp 825-859 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. - vol. 194 (pp 355-366 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
SIAM J. Appl. Math. - vol. 65 (5) (pp 1547--1575 ) 
J. Comput. Acoust. - vol. 13 (3) (pp 403--431 ) 
H. Haddar, P. Joly, H.-M. Nguyen
Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. - vol. 15 (8) (pp 1273--1300 ) 
Computers and structures - vol. 83 (2-3) (pp 107-126 ) 
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations - vol. 21 (2) (pp 323 - 348 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
É. Bécache, P. Joly, J. Rodriguez
ECCOMAS Thematic Conference images/icons/doctype_link.gif
Computational Geosciences - vol. 8(3) (pp 255-299 ) 
Numerische Mathematik. - vol. 95, no. 2 (pp 223--251 ) 
Numerische Mathematik - vol. 95(2) (pp 197-221 ) 
Journal of Computational Physics - vol. 188(2) (pp 399-433 ) 
H. Haddar, P. Joly
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A - vol. 133(3) (pp 567--598 ) 
Acoustical Society of America Journal - vol. 114(6) (pp 3368 - 3383 ) 
C. Alboin, J. Jaffré, P. Joly, J. Roberts, C. Serres
Computational Geosciences - vol. 6(3-4) (pp 523-543 ) 
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - vol. 36(1) (pp 87-119 ) 
H. Haddar, P. Joly
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics - vol. 143(2) (pp 201-236 ) 
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis - vol. 39(6) (pp 2109-2132 ) 
A. Bermúdez, D. Gómez Pedreira, P. Joly
Advances in Computational Mathematics - vol. 16(2-3) (pp 229-261 ) 
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis - vol. 39(5) (pp 1684-1711 ) 
H. Haddar, P. Joly
Asymptot. Anal. - vol. 27, no. 2 (pp 127--160. ) 
G. Cohen, P. Joly, J. Roberts, N. Tordjman
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. - vol. 38(6) (pp 2047-2078 ) 
D. Pedreira, P. Joly
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis - vol. 39(2) (pp 596-623 ) 
D. Pedreira, P. Joly
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. - vol. 39, no. 5 (pp 1684--1711 ) 
J. Comput. Acoust. - vol. 9, no. 3 (pp 1175--1201 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
H. Haddar, P. Joly
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics - vol. 61(4) (pp 1386-1417 ) 
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences - vol. 9(5) (pp 755-798 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
SIAM Journal on on Applied Mathematics - vol. 53 (pp 1507--1550 ) 

Paper in non peer-reviewed journal

Interstices (INRIA) 


S. Fliss, P. Joly, J.-R. Li
- E-Book Series Progress in Computational Physics (PiCP), Volume 1 images/icons/doctype_pdf.gifimages/icons/doctype_link.gif
Numer. Insights - Chapman & Hall/CRC - vol. 5 (pp 247--266 ) 
Numer. Insights - Chapman & Hall/CRC - vol. 5 (pp 247--266 ) 
Numer. Insights - Chapman & Hall/CRC - vol. 5 (pp 331--357 ) 
Numer. Insights - Chapman & Hall/CRC - vol. 5 (pp 359--384 ) 
Numer. Insights - Chapman & Hall/CRC - vol. 5 (pp 425--472 ) 
Numer. Insights - Chapman & Hall/CRC - vol. 5 (pp 385--424 ) 
Waves in nonlinear Pre-Stressed Materials, Michel Destrade, Giuseppe Saccomandi Editors - SpringerWien New York (pp 181--281 ) 
Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. Eng. - Springer, Berlin - vol. 31 (pp 201--264 ) 
H. Haddar, P. Joly
Nonlinear partial differential equations and their applications. Collège de France Seminar, Vol. XIV - North-Holland, Amsterdam - vol. 31 (pp 415--456 ) 
Mathematical modeling in optical science - SIAM, Philadelphia, PA - vol. 22 (pp 273--324 ) 

International conferences with proceedings

Oberwolfach Report 
(pp 158-159 ) 
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 
B. Delourme, H. Haddar, P. Joly
Oberwolfach Report, - vol. 10 (pp 86-89 ) 
B. Delourme, H. Haddar, P. Joly
S. Fliss, P. Joly, J.-R. Li
Springer (pp 39-48 ) 
Springer (pp 431-436 ) 
- Springer (pp 313-318 ) 
Mathematical and numerical aspects of wave propagation---WAVES 2003 - Springer, Berlin (pp 115--119 ) 
Mathematical and numerical aspects of wave propagation---WAVES 2003 - Springer, Berlin (pp 169--173 ) 
Mathematical modeling of wave phenomena - Mathematical modeling in physics, engineering and cognitive sciences, Vaxjo University Press (pp 39-48 ) 
É. Bécache, P. Joly, J. Rodriguez
É. Bécache, A. Chaigne, G. Derveaux, P. Joly
Mathematical and numerical aspects of wave propagation (Santiago de Compostela) - SIAM, Philadelphia, PA (pp 735--740 ) 

Conferences without proceedings

Waves 2015, Karlsruhe, Allemagne 
KOZwaves, Newcastle, Australia 
M. Chamaillard, P. Joly, H. Haddar
Waves, Tunisia 
Workshop: Computational Electromagnetism and Acoustics, Oberwolfach, Germany 
Workshop: Inverse Problems and Imaging, Institut Henri Poincarré, Paris, France 
Waves conference, Tunis, Tunisia 
Novel Direction in Inverse Scattering, honoring D. Colton, Newark, Delaware, USA, poster (soon) 
M. Chamaillard, P. Joly, H. Haddar
waves'2013 images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
International conference in applied mathematics, Heraklion, Greece 
Workshop: journées de Metz 2012: Recent Advances in Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wave Propagation, Metz, France 
Workshop : Wave propagation in complex media and applications, Heraklion, Greece, poster 
5ème Colloque sur les Tendances des Applications Mathématiques en Tunisie, Algérie, Maroc (TAMTAM), Sousse, Tunisie images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
B. Delourme, H. Haddar, P. Joly
10th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves (Waves 2011) 
B. Delourme, H. Haddar, P. Joly
10th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves (Waves 2011) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
B. Delourme, H. Haddar, P. Joly
Waves 2011, 10th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Oberwolfach Seminar 
5th Workshop on Numerical Methods for Evolution Equations 
B. Delourme, H. Haddar, P. Joly
Congrès CANUM 2010, 40e Congrès National d'Analyse Numérique 
B. Delourme, H. Haddar, P. Joly
6th Singular Days on Asymptotic Methods for PDEs images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
B. Delourme, H. Haddar, P. Joly
WONAPDE 2010, Third Chilean Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Partial Differential Equations images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
9th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves (WAVES'09), Pau 
9th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves (WAVES'09), Pau 
Waves 2009 
WAVES 2009 images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
South African Symposium for Numerical and Applied Mathematics 
B. Delourme, H. Haddar, P. Joly
Polaritions 2009, Polaritons, Surface plasmons, Resonances: Sub-wavelength interaction in optics images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
B. Delourme, H. Haddar, P. Joly
Waves 2009, 9th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
P. Joly, J. Rodríguez, E. Verhille
5th European Congress in Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering 
Numerical Methods for Evolution Equations, Heraklion (Crète) Evolution Equations, Heraklion (Crete) 
Mathematical Topics in Electromagnetic Fields and Wave Propagation, Karsruhe (Allemagne) 
Inauguration de la Chaire Modélisation Mathématique et Simulation Numérique, Ecole Polytechnique, Octobre 2008 
8eme Colloque en Calcul des Structures. Giens, France 
S. Fliss, P. Joly, J.-R. Li
Mathematical and numerical aspects of wave propagation, Reading 
ENUMATH07, Graz, Autriche 
Workshop Methodes Asymptotiques en electromagnetisme, 20eme Anniversaire du CERFACS, Toulouse 
WONAPDE. Concepcion, Chili 
TAMTAM'07, Tipaza (Algerie) 
Séminaire ACSIOM, Montpellier II 
J.-C. Gilbert, P. Joly, J. Rodríguez
The 8th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves 
2ème Journées sur les Equations Différentielles et leurs Applications. Annaba 
Third Workshop on Numerical Methods for Evolution Problems, Heraklion (Crete) 
Conference TIPE `a l'attention des professeurs de classes preparatoires, ENSTA, Paris 
Seminaire du College de France, Paris 
Conference AFPAC'06, Wye, Angleterre 
The Sixth European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications (ENUMATH'05). Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain 
7th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves (WAVES'05), Providence 
M. Duruflé, H. Haddar, P. Joly
Waves2005, Brown University, Providence(USA) 
Seminaire à l'Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan - Antenne de Bretagne, Rennes 
Waves2005, Brown University, Providence(USA) 
Enumath2005, Santiago de Compostela (Spain) 
Enumath2005, Santiago de Compostela (Spain) 
conferences at the Summer School of GDR ONDES, Sup Elec, Gif-sur-Yvette 
Waves Meeting, University of Reading (England) 
Workshop TiSCoPDE05 
Journées Scientifiques du GDR Ondes, Besançon 
Workshop WIP2005 
Séminaire Poems, ENSTA, Paris 
WAVES 2005, Brown University, Providence 
2ème colloque sur les Tendances et Applications Mathématiques en Tunisie, Algérie, Maroc, Tunis 
P. Joly, J.-R. Li, S. Fliss
Workshop WIP2005, CIRM, Marseille 
Journees Scientifiques du GDR Ondes, Besancon 
Waves Meeting, University of Reading, Angleterre 
Workshop TiSCoPDE05, Weierstrass Institute, Berlin 
É. Bécache, P. Joly, J. Rodriguez
The Fourth European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (Eccomas 2004). Jyväskylä, Finland 
WONAPDE 2004, Chile 
35éme Congrés National d'Analyse Numérique. La Grande Motte, France 
The Sixth International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation (Waves 2003). Jyväskylä, Finland 
WAVES 2003, Finland, 
Mathematical modelling in physics, engineering and cognitive sciences 
É. Bécache, P. Joly, A. Ezziani
Conférence du GDR 2501, Aussois 
14th International Conference in Domain Decomposition. Morelos, Mexico 

Research reports

Rapport de Recherche INRIA images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
INRIA Research Report images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
INRIA Research Report images/icons/doctype_ps.gifimages/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
H. Haddar, P. Joly
INRIA, 5839 
INRIA Research Report images/icons/doctype_link.gifimages/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
X. Claeys, H. Haddar, P. Joly
É. Bécache, A. Ezziani, P. Joly