C.N.R.S. Engineer (2010- )
- Development of C++ release of finite element software Melina implemented by Daniel Martin, Numerical Analysis team of I.R.M.A.R. (UMR 6625), University of Rennes I and P.O.e.m.s. laboratory (UMR 7231) by merging Montjoie library developped by Marc Duruflé
- Development of associated tools.
Engineer for A.N.R. Micas (2009-2010)
Implementation of adaptative Aitken-Schwarz method to Darcy 3D equation with strong variations of permeability (random behaviour following a lognormal law). This work is part of ANR Calcul Intensif et Simulation 2007 Micas (Modelling and Intensive Computation for Aquifer Simulations). Partners :
- SAGE team of INRIA Rennes
- Transferts team of UMR 6118 Geosciences, Rennes
- LMPG group of Waves and Complex Media Laboratory of University of Le Havre
- National network for hydrogeological sites Ore H+
PhD (2004-2009)
- Subject : Multi-Scale gravitational Dynamics : formation and evolution of a self-gravitating system in an external field
- Supervisors : Jérôme Perez and Marc Lenoir
- Descriptif : Development of an intensive computation algorithm adapted to gravitation and to the multiscale characteristic of the considered systems (MPI-FORTRAN77). The aim is to study the evolution of systems such as a globular cluster in its host galaxy. The algorithm is based on a treecode.
Seminars, Conferences
- Summer School M.O.D.E.S.T. 5c, institut Anton Pannoeke, University of Amsterdam.
For more information about my training and my skills, please consult my web page here.