Page de Marc Duruflé



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Articles (revue avec comité de lecture)

ESAIM: Math. Model. Numer. Anal - vol. 50 (pp 43-75 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 
M3AS - vol. 21(5) (pp 1121-1151 ) 
Journal of Scientific Computing - vol. 42 (pp 345-381 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations - vol. 25 (3) (pp 526--551 ) 
Journal of Computational Acoustics - vol. 17 (2) (pp 175--196 ) 
Journal of Computational Mathematics - vol. 25 (pp 282-304 ) 
M. Duruflé, H. Haddar, P. Joly
Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences de Paris Serie Physique - vol. 7 (5) (pp 533-542 ) 
Applied Numerical Mathematics - vol. 56, 10-11 (pp 1432--1449 ) 

Article (revue sans comité de lecture)

Interstices (INRIA)