Page of Xavier Claeys

Teacher / Researcher
H.D.R. since 2016
PhD defended in 2008

Personal web page
office 2.2.20
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Papers in peer-reviewed journal

M. Bonazzoli, X. Claeys
Journal of Integral Equations and Applications - Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium - vol. 36 (2) (pp 129-167 ) 
M. Bonazzoli, X. Claeys, F. Nataf, P.-H. Tournier
Journal of Scientific Computing - Springer Verlag - vol. 89 (pp 19 ) 
Computers & Mathematics with Applications - Elsevier - vol. 79 (11) 
P. Marchand, X. Claeys, P. Jolivet, F. Nataf, P.-H. Tournier
Numerische Mathematik - Springer Verlag - vol. 146 (pp 597–628 ) 
Math. Models Meth. App. Sci. - vol. 3 images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences - vol. 19(8) (pp 1325-1355 ) 
X. Claeys, H. Haddar
Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. - vol. 30 (30) (pp 389-414 ) 
Numerische Mathematik - vol. 116(2) (pp 243-268 ) 


M. Bonazzoli, X. Claeys, F. Nataf, P.-H. Tournier
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVII - Springer Nature Switzerland - vol. 149 (pp 61-68 ) 

International conferences with proceedings

Report No.3/2013 of Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach "Computational Electromagnetism and Acoustics", Oberwolfach., Allemagne images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
(pp 269 - 272 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif

Conferences without proceedings

KOZwaves, Newcastle, Australia 
Conference on Computational Electromagnetism and Acoustics, Oberwolfach, Allemagne images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Waves, Tunisia 
WAVES, Tunisia images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Workshop: around scattering by obstacles and billiards, Aveiro images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
ETOPIM (Electrical, Transport and Optical Properties of Inhomogeneous Media), Marseille 
MATHmONDES 2012, Reading 
10th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves, Waves 2011, Vancouver images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Numerical Electromagnetics & Industrial Applications (NELIA 2011), Santiago de Compostela images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
10th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves, Waves 2011, Vancouver images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Seminaire du GMM a l'INSA de Toulouse 
WONAPDE, Concpcion Chili images/icons/doctype_link.gif
WAVES, Reading Angleterre images/icons/doctype_link.gif
Workshop Methodes Asymptotiques en electromagnetisme, 20eme Anniversaire du CERFACS, Toulouse 
Cinquiemes journees singulieres, Luminy France images/icons/doctype_link.gif
AIMS Systèmes Dynamiques, Equations Différentielles et Applications, Poitiers France images/icons/doctype_link.gif