Inverse problems, regularization of ill-posed problems. More precisely :
- wave diffraction problems,
- method of quasi-reversibility to solve ill-posed Cauchy problems and application to inverse problems,
- inverse problems related to mechanics of materials,
- inverse scattering in waveguides with sampling methods,
- inverse scattering for generalized impedance boundary conditions,
- uniqueness and stability of ill-posed problems, in particular with Carleman estimates.
Students :
- Jérémi Dardé (PHD, advisor with F. Jouve)
- Nicolas Chaulet (PHD, advisor with H. Haddar)
- Arnaud Recoquillay (PHD, advisor with V. Baronian)
- Jean-François Fritsch (PHD, advisor with C. Hazard)
- Raphaël Terrine (PHD, advisor with P. Moireau)
- Frédérique Le Louer (Post-doc, advisor with E. Lunéville)
- Anne-Claire Egloffe (Post-doc, advisor with E. Lunéville)
- Dmitry Ponomarev (Post-doc)
Papers in peer-reviewed journal
Inverse Problems and Imaging

SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

IMA Journal of Applied Maths

Inverse Problems and Imaging - vol. 17/2 (pp 463-489 )


Inverse Problems and Imaging - vol. 15-2 (pp 285--314 )

M2AN - vol. 54-2 (pp 493-529 )

Inverse Problems and Imaging - vol. 14-2 (pp 363-384 )

SIAM Journal of Applied Maths - vol. 80-3 (pp 1546-1566 )

Inverse Problems and Imaging - vol. 13-2 (pp 377-400 )

Communications in Mathematical Sciences - vol. 17/6 (pp 1487 – 1529 )

M2AN - vol. 52/1 (pp 123-145 )

Inverse Problems - vol. 34/7 (pp 075006 )

SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis - vol. 55/4 (pp 1820-1842 )

Mathematical Control and Related Fields - vol. 7/3 (pp 347-367 )

Journal of Functional Analysis - vol. 270/7 (pp 2508-2542 )

Wave Motion - vol. 66 (pp 68-87 )

Inverse Problems and Imaging - vol. 9/4 (pp 971-1002 )

Inverse Problems and Imaging - vol. 8/1 (pp 23-51 )

Inverse Problems - vol. 30 (pp 095004 )

Inverse Problems - vol. 29 (pp 025017 )

C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I - vol. 351 (pp 187-190 )

Siam Journal of Scientific Computing - vol. 34-3 (pp 1824-1848 )

Inverse Problems - vol. 28 (pp 105011 (18pp) )

Applicable Analysis - vol. 90/10 (pp 1481-1497 )

Inverse Problems - vol. 27 (pp 055001(27pp) )

Inverse Problems - vol. 27 (pp 095002 )

Inverse Problems and Imaging - vol. 4-3 (pp 351-377 )

Applicable Analysis - vol. 89/11 (pp 1745-1768 )

Inverse Problems and Imaging - vol. 4-1 (pp 19-38 )

M2AN - vol. 44 (4) (pp 715-735 )

Inverse Problems - vol. 26 (9) (pp 095016(21pp) )

Journal of Physics: Conference Series - IOP - vol. 135 (pp 012023 )

Inverse Problems - vol. 24 (1) (pp 015018 )

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics - vol. 204 (2 SPEC) (pp 387-399 )

C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I - vol. 345 (7) (pp 385-390 )

Inverse Problems - vol. 22 (2) (pp 413-430 )

Inverse Problems - vol. 21 (3) (pp 1087-1104 )

Conferences without proceedings
Journées Ondes des Poètes 2024 - Ensta -Palaiseau, 17-19/04/2024
AIP2023 - Goettingen - 4/8-9-2023
Simulation of data assimilation under a PDE constraint - Laboratoire JLL - Paris - 16/17-11-23
Waves conference - Palaiseau - 25/29-7-2022
PICOF 2022 - 25/27-10-2022
Quasilinear Equations, Inverse Problems ans their Applications - Sotchi - 23/29-08-2021
NCMIP Conference, 24/5/2019, ENS Cachan
Worshop Problèmes Inverses, 6-7/5/2019, UTC Compiègne
Waves Conference, Vienna, 25-29/08/2019
Inverse Problems: Modeling and Simulation, Malta, 21-26/05/2018
Inverse Problems: Theoretical and Numerical Aspects, Reims, 17-19/12/2018
Conference on Mathematics of Wave Phenomena - Karslruhe - 23-27/07/2018
13th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, May 15−19, 2017
Workshop Inverse Problems for PDEs, Bremen, Allemagne, 29/3-1/4/2016
New trends in theoretical and numerical analysis of waveguides, Porquerolles, 16-19/05/2016
Spectral and Analytic Inverse Problems, IHP, Paris, 4-7/5/2015
Inverse Problems in Wave Propagation, Bremen, Allemagne, 7-10/4/2015
27th IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, Sophia Antipolis, 29/6-3/7/2015
Ninth meeting of the European Research Network: wave propagation in complex media for quantitative and Non-Destructive Evaluation
PICOF 2014, Hammamet (Tunisie), 7-9/5/2014
Recent progress in theoretical and numerical aspects of inverse problems, CIRM, Marseille, 19-23/5/2014
Inverse Problems: Scattering, Tomography and Parameter Identification, Conference honoring Andreas Kirsch for his 60th birthday, Bad Herrenalb - Germany, 8-11/4/2013
Inverse Problems and Nonlinear equations, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau - 22-24/05/2013
Waves conference, Gammarth, Tunisie, 3-7/6/2013
Journée "Problèmes inverses" - CNAM - 21/06/2012
Control of Fluid-Structure Systems and Inverse problems - Toulouse - 25-28/06/2012
PICOF'12, Palaiseau, France
Conférence Applied Inverse Problems 2011, College Station, Texas, 23-27/05/2011
Workshop on Inverse Problems for Waves: Methods and Applications, Palaiseau, 29-30/3/2010
ECCM 2010 : IV european conference on computational mechanics, 16-21/5/2010
Trimestre sur le contrôle des EDP et applications, Journée thématique "Inverse Problems", IHP, Paris, 1/10-18/12/2010
Conférence Applied Inverse Problems 2009, Université de Vienne, Vienne (Autriche), 20-24/7/2009
Premier congrès de la SM2A, Rabat (Maroc), 6-8/02/2008
Conférence ICIPE 2008, VVF Dourdan, Dourdan (France), 15-19/6/2008
Conférence ICIAM 2007, ETH, Zürich (Suisse), 16-20/7/2007
Conférence PICOF 2006, Université de Nice, Nice (France), 5-7/4/2006
Conférence Waves 2005, Brown University, Providence (USA), 20-24/6/2005
8èmes Journées d'Analyse Numérique et Optimisation, ENIM, Rabat (Maroc), 14-16/12/2005
Journées Melina, Le Croisic