


M. Bonazzoli, X. Claeys
Journal of Integral Equations and Applications - Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium - vol. 36 (2) (pp 129-167 ) 
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications - vol. 536 (pp 128198 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
W. Aquino, J. Rouse, M. Bonnet
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. - vol. 155 (pp 1297-1307 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
T. Anderson, M. Bonnet, L. Faria, C. Perez-Arancibia
Computers and Mathematics with Applications - vol. 162 (pp 94-103 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
T. Anderson, M. Bonnet, L. Faria, C. Perez-Arancibia
Journal of Computational Physics - vol. 511 (pp 113091 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
A.-S. Bonnet-BenDhia, L. Faria, C. Pérez Arancibia
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics - vol. 84(4) 
M. Bonnet, P. Salasiya, B. Guzina
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids - vol. 190 (pp 105746 ) 
H. Montanelli, F. Collino, H. Haddar
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics - vol. 46 (6) (pp A3756-A3778 ) 
S. Chaillat, G. Gerardi, A. Chamolly, Z.-h. Li, N. Ribe
Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth 



M. Bonnet, R. Liu, S. Veerapaneni, H. Zhu
SIAM J. Sci. Comp. - vol. 45 (pp B78-B106 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
IMA Journal of Applied Maths images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
C. Fefferman, S. Fliss, M. Weinstein
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 
Inverse Problems and Imaging - vol. 17/2 (pp 463-489 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
M. Bonnet, E. Demaldent
Computers and Mathematics with Applications - vol. 141 (pp 80-101 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
T. Anderson, M. Bonnet, S. Veerapaneni
Numerical Algorithms - vol. 93 (pp 441-458 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Journal of Computational Physics - vol. 490 
A. Modave, T. Chaumont-Frelet
Journal of Computational Physics - vol. 493 (pp 112459 ) 
ESAIM: Math. Modell. Numer. Anal. images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
A. Dansou, S. Mouhoubi, C. Chazallon, M. Bonnet
- vol. 24 (pp 631-652 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif



Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées - vol. 161 (pp 70-110 ) 
A.-S. Bonnet-BenDhia, S. Chandler-Wilde, S. Fliss, C. Hazard, K.-M. Perfekt, Y. Tjandrawidjaja
SIAM Mathematical Analysis - vol. 54 (pp 512-557 ) 
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis - vol. 54(2) 
S. Chaillat, B. Cotté, J.-F. Mercier, G. Serre, N. Trafny
Journal of Computational Physics - vol. 452 images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
R. Dai, A. Modave, J.-F. Remacle, C. Geuzaine
Journal of Computational Physics - Elsevier - vol. 453 (pp 110887 ) 
Advances in Computational Mathematics - vol. 48 
Engineering Computations, special issue on the topological derivative method and its applications in computational engineering (S. Amstutz, S. Giusti, A. Novotny, guest editors) - vol. 39 (pp 313-336 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
M2AN images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Communication in Partial Differential Equations - vol. 47 (6) (pp 1217-1295 ) 
C. Carvalho, P. Ciarlet, C. Scheid
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 
A. Royer, C. Geuzaine, E. Béchet, A. Modave
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering - Elsevier - vol. 395 (pp 115006 ) 
A.-S. Bonnet-BenDhia, S. Chandler-Wilde, S. Fliss
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics - vol. 82(4) images/icons/doctype_link.gifimages/icons/doctype_link.gif
P. Marchand, J. Galkowski, A. Spence, E. Spence
Advances in Computational Mathematics - Springer Verlag - vol. 48 (4) 
J. Galkowski, P. Marchand, E. Spence
Integral Equations and Operator Theory - Springer Verlag - vol. 94 (4) 
L. Chesnel, J. Heleine, S. Nazarov
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik - Springer Verlag - vol. 73 (3) 
L. Chesnel, J. Heleine, S. Nazarov
Communications in Mathematical Sciences - International Press - vol. 20 (2) (pp 425–445 ) 
C. Fefferman, S. Fliss, M. Weinstein
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 



SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 
SN Partial Differential Equations and Applications - vol. 2 
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis - vol. 59 (4) (pp 2004-2039 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Inverse Problems and Imaging - vol. 15-2 (pp 285--314 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis - vol. 53 (pp 2691-2717 ) 
H. Beriot, A. Modave
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering - vol. 122 
C. Sanders, M. Bonnet, W. Aquino
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. - vol. 122 (pp 7452-7481 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Comptes Rendus. Mathématique - vol. 3 (pp 249-256 ) 
H. Guo, H. Zhu, R. Liu, M. Bonnet, S. Veerapaneni
J. Fluid Mech. - vol. 910 (pp A26 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Journal of Computational Physics - vol. 440 (pp 110433 ) 
S. Fliss, P. Joly, V. Lescarret
Pure and Applied Analysis - vol. 3-3 (pp 487--526 ) 
L. Faria, C. Perez-Arancibia, M. Bonnet
Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng. - vol. 378 (pp 113703 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 
K. Pham, J.-F. Mercier, D. Fuster, J. Marigo, A. Maurel
JFM - vol. 906(A19) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
B. Guzina, M. Bonnet
Wave Motion - vol. 103 (pp 102729 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
H. Guo, H. Zhu, R. Liu, M. Bonnet, S. Veerapaneni
J. Fluid Mech. - vol. 927 (pp A22 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
B. Delourne, E. Lunéville, J.-J. Marigo, A. Maurel, J.-F. Mercier, K. Pham
Proceedings of the Royal Society A - vol. 477 (pp 2245 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
A.-S. Bonnet-BenDhia, M.-O. Bristeau, E. Godlewski, S. Imperiale, A. Mangeney, J. Sainte-Marie
SEMA SIMAI Springer Series (pp 209--250 ) 
M. Bonazzoli, X. Claeys, F. Nataf, P.-H. Tournier
Journal of Scientific Computing - Springer Verlag - vol. 89 (pp 19 ) 
L. Nannen, M. Wess
Advances in Computational Mathematics - vol. 48 images/icons/doctype_link.gifimages/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
J. Galkowski, P. Marchand, E. Spence
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics - vol. 53 (6) 
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics - vol. 81.6 (pp 2658-2683 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
L. Chesnel, S. Nazarov
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and physical sciences - Royal Society, The 
L. Chesnel, S. Nazarov
Comptes Rendus. Mécanique - Académie des sciences (Paris) 
L. Audibert, L. Chesnel, H. Haddar, K. Napal
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 



Annales Henri Lebesgue - vol. 3 (pp 1161-1193 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
A. Modave, C. Geuzaine, X. Antoine
Journal of Computational Physics - Elsevier - vol. 401 (pp 109029 ) 
M. Bonnet, R. Liu, S. Veerapaneni
Advances in Computational Mathematics - vol. 46 (pp 18 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
M2AN - vol. 54-2 (pp 493-529 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Numerische Mathematik images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Inverse Problems and Imaging - vol. 14-2 (pp 363-384 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
SIAM Journal of Applied Maths - vol. 80-3 (pp 1546-1566 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Computers and Mathematics with Applications - vol. 80 (pp 471-489 ) 
A. Modave, A. Royer, X. Antoine, C. Geuzaine
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering - vol. 368 (pp 113162 ) 
R. Bunoiu, L. Chesnel, K. Ramdani, M. Rihani
Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse images/icons/doctype_link.gif
SN Partial Differential Equations and Applications - vol. 1(40) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. - vol. 121 (pp 4734-4767 ) 
A. Abhishek, M. Bonnet, S. Moskow
Inverse Problems - vol. 36 (pp 114001 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
F. Ciardo, B. Lecampion, F. Fayard, S. Chaillat
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering - vol. 121 (pp 5696--5718 ) 
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis - vol. 52 (pp 3004-3038 ) 
M. Campos-pinto, P. Ciarlet, B. Després, A. Nicolopoulos
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics - vol. 85 (pp 132–159 ) 
F. Collino, P. Joly, M. Lecouvez
ESAIM M2AN - vol. 54 (pp 775-810 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
L. Chesnel, S. Nazarov
Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik - Springer Verlag 
L. Chesnel, S. Nazarov, J. Taskinen
Asymptotic Analysis - IOS Press 
Computers & Mathematics with Applications - Elsevier - vol. 79 (11) 
P. Marchand, X. Claeys, P. Jolivet, F. Nataf, P.-H. Tournier
Numerische Mathematik - Springer Verlag - vol. 146 (pp 597–628 ) 



Networks and Heterogeneous Media - vol. 14 (pp 205-264 ) 
Inverse Problems and Imaging - vol. 13-2 (pp 377-400 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Asymptotic analysis images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
B. Daniel, M. Grote, S. Imperiale, M. Kachanovska
Journal of Scientific Computing - vol. 81 (pp 2237-2270 ) 
Communications in Mathematical Sciences - vol. 17/6 (pp 1487 – 1529 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
M. Bonnet, F. Cakoni
Inverse Problems - vol. 35 (pp 104007 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
L. Frerot, M. Bonnet, J.-F. Molinari, G. Anciaux
Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng. - vol. 351 (pp 951-976 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
M. Bonnet, E. Demaldent
Computers and Mathematics with Applications - vol. 77 (pp 2145-2161 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
W. Aquino, M. Bonnet
SIAM J. Appl. Math. - vol. 79 (pp 822–849 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
F. Amlani, S. Chaillat, A. Loseille
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering - vol. 352 (pp 189-210 ) 
A. Dansou, S. Mouhoubi, C. Chazallon, M. Bonnet
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements - vol. 106 (pp 309-319 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
J. Borthagaray, P. Ciarlet
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. - vol. 57 (pp 1723-1743 ) 
A. Maurel, J.-F. Mercier, K. Pham, J.-J. Marigo, A. Ourir
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America - Acoustical Society of America - vol. 145 (4) (pp 2552-2560 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
I. Labarca, L. Faria, C. Pérez-Arancibia
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences - Royal Society, The - vol. 475 (2227) (pp 20190029 ) 
C. Pérez-Arancibia, C. Turc, L. Faria, C. Sideris
C. Pérez-Arancibia, L. Faria, C. Turc
Journal of Computational Physics - Elsevier - vol. 376 (pp 411-434 ) 
C. Pérez-Arancibia, C. Turc, L. Faria
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics - vol. 41 (4) (pp A2088-A2116 ) 
K. Pham, A. Maurel, J.-F. Mercier, S. Félix, M.-L. Cordero, C. Horvath
Wave Motion (pp 102485 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif



Mathematics of Computations - vol. 87 (pp 2775--2810 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
Numerische Mathematik - vol. 138 (pp 801--838 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
JCAM - vol. 338 (pp 44-68 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gifimages/icons/doctype_link.gif
M2AN - vol. 52/1 (pp 123-145 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Inverse Problems - vol. 34/7 (pp 075006 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
S. Chaillat, S. Groth, A. Loseille
Journal of Computational Physics - vol. 372 (pp 473-499 ) 
Inverse Problems and Imaging - vol. 12 (pp 921-953 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Proceedings of the Royal Society A images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
M. Bonnet, R. Cornaggia, B. Guzina
SIAM J. Appl. Math - vol. 78 (pp 2057-2082 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
P. Ciarlet, C. Dunkl, S. Sauter
Analysis and Applications - vol. 16 (pp 649-691 ) 
Math. Mod. Num. Anal. - vol. 52 (pp 2003-2035 ) 
P. Ciarlet, M. Vohralik
Math. Mod. Num. Anal. - vol. 52 (pp 2037-2064 ) 
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
J. Albella Martínez, S. Imperiale, P. Joly, J. Rodríguez
Journal of Scientific Computing - Springer Verlag 
A. Maurel, J.-J. Marigo, J.-F. Mercier, K. Pham
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences - Royal Society, The - vol. 474 (2210) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics - vol. 78 (4) (pp 1891 - 1912 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
J. Borthagaray, P. Ciarlet
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics - vol. 78 (6) (pp 3119-3144 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
D. Harris, P.-T. Brun, A. Damiano, L. Faria, J. Bush
Chaos - American Institute of Physics - vol. 28 (9) (pp 096105 ) 
O. Mickelin, J. Słomka, K. Burns, D. Lecoanet, G. Vasil, L. Faria, J. Dunkel
Physical Review Letters - American Physical Society - vol. 120 (16) 
G. Pucci, D. Harris, L. Faria, J. Bush
Journal of Fluid Mechanics - Cambridge University Press (CUP) - vol. 835 (pp 1136-1156 ) 
F. Kpadonou, C. Fourcade, P. De Nazelle, P. Vannucci
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications - Springer Verlag images/icons/doctype_link.gifimages/icons/doctype_link.gif



SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis - vol. 55/4 (pp 1820-1842 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Mathematical Control and Related Fields - vol. 7/3 (pp 347-367 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Commun. Part. Diff. Eq. - vol. 42 (11) (pp 1707-1748 ) 
A. Modave, J. Lambrechts, C. Geuzaine
Computers and Mathematics with Applications - Elsevier - vol. 73 (4) (pp 684-700 ) 
Asymptotic Analysis - vol. 103(3) (pp 103-134 ) 
Computers & Mathematics with Applications - vol. 73(9) (pp 1900-1919 ) 
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 
A. Modave, A. Atle, J. Chan, T. Warburton
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering - Wiley - vol. 112 (11) (pp 1659-1686 ) 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I - vol. 355 (pp 671-675 ) 
Computers & Mathematics with Applications - vol. 74 (pp 2369-2384 ) 
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (M2AN) - vol. 51, number 6 (pp 2399 - 2434 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gifimages/icons/doctype_pdf.gifimages/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Journal of Computational Physics - vol. 341 (pp 76-101 ) 
Journal of Integral Equations and Applications - vol. 29 (pp 271-295 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Journal of Computational Physics - vol. 341 (pp 429–446 ) 
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - vol. 51 (pp 2069-2092 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Journal of Computational Physics - vol. 351 (pp 165–186 ) 
E. Marenic, D. Brancherie, M. Bonnet
Int. J. Solids Structures - vol. 128 (pp 199-209 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
J.-F. Mercier, B. Lombard
Wave Motion - Elsevier - vol. 72 (pp 260-275 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
A. Ourir, A. Maurel, S. Félix, J.-F. Mercier, M. Fink
Physical Review B - vol. 96 
Computers and Mathematics with Applications - Elsevier - vol. 74 (11) (pp 2792-2830 ) 
J.-F. Mercier, J.-J. Marigo, A. Maurel
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America - Acoustical Society of America - vol. 142 (6) (pp 3703 - 3714 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
L. Faria, R. Rosales
Studies in Applied Mathematics - Wiley-Blackwell - vol. 139 (2) (pp 265-287 ) 
Journal of Fluid Mechanics - Cambridge University Press (CUP) - vol. 811 (pp 51-66 ) 



D. Arjmand, C. Stohrer
Communications in Mathematical Sciences - vol. 14(2) (pp 463-487 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
L. Baratchart, L. Bourgeois, J. Leblond
Journal of Functional Analysis - vol. 270/7 (pp 2508-2542 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Archive for rational mechanics and analysis - vol. 219(1) (pp 349-386 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
ESAIM: Math. Model. Numer. Anal - vol. 50 (pp 43-75 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
C. Caldini-Queiros, B. Després, L.-M. Imbert-Gérard, M. Kachanovska
ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys - CEMRACS 2014 – Numerical Modeling of Plasmas 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I - vol. 354 (pp 27-32 ) 
Wave Motion - vol. 64 (pp 13-33 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
K. Meza Fajardo, J.-F. Semblat, S. Chaillat, L. Lenti
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America - Seismological Society of America - vol. 106 (3) (pp 1267-1281 ) 
P. Ciarlet, P. Ciarlet, C. Simian, S. Sauter
Numer. Math. - vol. 132 (pp 433-462 ) 
Computers Math. Applic. - vol. 71 (pp 85-104 ) 
Journal of Integral Equations and Applications - vol. 28 (pp 169-203 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Wave Motion - vol. 66 (pp 68-87 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
J. Comput. Phys. - vol. 322 (pp 224-247 ) 
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics - vol. 52 (pp 7005208 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
A. Hüppe, G. Cohen, S. Imperiale, M. Kaltenbacher
Communications in Computational Physics - Global Science Press 
J.-F. Mercier, A. Maurel
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences - Royal Society, The - vol. 472 (2190) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
A. Maurel, J.-F. Mercier, M. Montagnat
The Cryosphere - Copernicus - vol. 10 (pp 3063 - 3070 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
F. Amlani, O. Bruno
Journal of Computational Physics - Elsevier - vol. 307 (pp 333 - 354 ) 
Journal of Integral Equations and Applications - Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium 
H. Ammari, J. Garnier, L. Giovangigli, W. Jing, J. Seo
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées - Elsevier - vol. 105 (pp 603-661 ) 
H. Ammari, L. Giovangigli, H. Kwon, J.-K. Seo, T. Wintz
Asymptotic Analysis - IOS Press - vol. 100 (1-2) (pp 87-109 ) 
R. Semenko, L. Faria, A. Kasimov, B. Ermolaev
Shock Waves - Springer Verlag - vol. 26 (2) (pp 141-160 ) 
G. Pucci, P. Sáenz, L. Faria, J. Bush
Journal of Fluid Mechanics - Cambridge University Press (CUP) - vol. 804 
L. Faria, A. Kasimov, R. Rosales
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics - vol. 76 (3) (pp 887-909 ) 



S. Fliss, D. Klindworth, K. Schmidt
BIT Numerical Mathematics - vol. 55(1) (pp 81-115 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
A.-S. Bonnet-BenDhia, J. Taskinen, S. Nazarov
Wave Motion - vol. 57 (pp 129-142 ) 
Computers and Mathematics with Applications - vol. 70 (pp 660-678 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics - vol. 80 (pp 1049-1062 ) 
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering - vol. 297 (pp 62-83 ) 
K. Nguyen, F. Treyssède, C. Hazard
Journal of Sound and Vibration - vol. 344 (pp 158-178 ) 
M. Bonnet, W. Aquino
Inverse Problems - vol. 31 (pp 035010 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Inverse Problems - vol. 31 images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
É. Bécache, L. Bourgeois, J. Dardé, L. Franceschini
Inverse Problems and Imaging - vol. 9/4 (pp 971-1002 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
A.-S. Bonnet-BenDhia, E. Lunéville, Y. Mbeutcha, S. Nazarov
Math. meth. appl. sci. - vol. 40 (pp 335–349 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S (DCDS-S) - vol. 8, 3 (pp 521-546 ) 
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 
ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys - EDP Sciences - vol. 50 (pp 113-132 ) 
Q. trinh, S. Mouhoubi, C. Chazallon, M. Bonnet
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements - vol. 50 (pp 486-495 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
G. Delgado, M. Bonnet
Computer and Mathematics with Applications - vol. 69 (pp 1144-1166 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
M. Diaz, W. Aquino, M. Bonnet
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering - vol. 296 (pp 129-149 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
C. Langrenne, A. Garcia, M. Bonnet
J. acoust. Soc. Am. - vol. 138 (pp 3332-3340 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
S. Félix, A. Maurel, J.-F. Mercier
Wave Motion - vol. 54 (pp 1-10 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
O. Richoux, B. Lombard, J.-F. Mercier
Wave Motion - vol. 56 (pp 85-99 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
A. Maurel, J.-F. Mercier, S. Félix
J. Opt. Soc. Am. - vol. 32(5) (pp 979-990 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
S. Félix, A. Maurel, J.-F. Mercier
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. - vol. 137(3) (pp 1274-1281 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
M.-L. M.L. Cordero, A. Maurel, J.-F. Mercier, F. Simon, F. Barra
Appl. Phys. Lett - vol. 107 (pp 084104 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
B. Lombard, J.-F. Mercier, O. Richoux
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences - vol. 64(3) (pp 304–310 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
J.-F. Mercier, M.-L. Cordero, S. Felix, A. Ourir, A. Maurel
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences - Royal Society, The - vol. 471 (2182) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
A. Maurel, S. Felix, J.-F. Mercier, A. Ourir
Comptes Rendus Mécanique - Elsevier Masson - vol. 343 (12) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif



Applied Numerical Mathematics - vol. 79 (pp 29-41 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
D. Klindworth, K. Schmidt, S. Fliss
Comput. Math. Appl. - vol. 67(4) (pp 918-943 ) 
J. Comput. Phys. - vol. 258 (pp 787-808 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Communications in Partial Differential Equations - vol. 39 (pp 1007-1031 ) 
Inverse Problems and Imaging - vol. 8/1 (pp 23-51 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Wave Motion - vol. 51(2) (pp 266-283 ) 
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics - vol. 50 
Applied Numerical Mathematics - vol. 79 (pp 42-61 ) 
Inverse Problems - vol. 30 (pp 095004 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Wave Motion - vol. 51 (pp 1093-1107 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I - vol. 352 (pp 755-760 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gifimages/icons/doctype_link.gif
Wave Motion - vol. 51 (pp 1254-1272 ) 
P. Ciarlet, H. Wu, J. Zou
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. - vol. 52 (pp 779-807 ) 
J. Warner, M. Diaz, W. Aquino, M. Bonnet
Computational Mechanics - vol. 54 (pp 645-659 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
A. Maurel, J.-F. Mercier, S. Félix
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. - vol. 135(1) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
A. Maurel, S. Félix, J.-F. Mercier, A. Ourir, Z. Djeffal
J. Europ. Opt. Soc. Rep. Public. - vol. 9, 14001 images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
A. Maurel, J.-F. Mercier, V. Pagneux
Proc. R. Soc. A - vol. 470, 20130448 images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - vol. 48(5) (pp 1529-1555 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
A. Maurel, J.-F. Mercier, S. Félix
Proc. R. Soc. A - vol. 470 (pp 20130743 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
A. Akarid, A. Ourir, A. Maurel, S. Félix, J.-F. Mercier
Optics Letters - vol. 39(13) (pp 3752 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
S. Félix, A. Maurel, J.-F. Mercier
J. Opt. Soc. Am. - vol. 31(10) (pp 2249-2255 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
A. Castanié, J.-F. Mercier, S. Félix, A. Maurel
Optics Express. - vol. 22(24) (pp 29977-29953 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
F. Collino, P. Joly, M. Lecouvez, B. Stupfel
Comptes Rendus Physique - vol. 15,5 (pp 403 - 414 ) 
K. Schmidt, A. Thöns-Zueva, P. Joly
Math. Models Meth. Appl. Sci. - vol. 24(9) (pp 1823–1855 ) 
B. Lombard, J.-F. Mercier
Journal of Computational Physics - Elsevier - vol. 259 (15) (pp 421-443 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
L. Banjai, M. Kachanovska
Journal of Computational Physics - vol. 279 (pp 103-126 ) 
L. Banjai, M. Kachanovska
BIT Numerical Mathematics - vol. 54 (pp 901-936 ) 
Interstices (INRIA) 



Math. Models Meth. App. Sci. - vol. 3 images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
C. Besse, J. Coatléven, S. Fliss, I. Lacroix-Violet, K. Ramdani
Communications in Mathematical Sciences - vol. 11 (4) (pp 907-938 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gifimages/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Numer. Math. - vol. 124 (pp 1-19 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
B. Delourme, H. Haddar, P. Joly
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences - vol. 13 (23) (pp 2433-2464 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Wave Motion - vol. 50 (pp 18-28 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
A. Maurel, S. Felix, J.-F. Mercier
Physical Review B - vol. 88 (pp 115416 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
B. Banerjee, T. Walsh, W. Aquino, M. Bonnet
Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng. - vol. 253 (pp 60-72 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
SiAM J. Sci. Comp. - vol. 35(2) (pp B438-B461 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gifimages/icons/doctype_link.gif
Inverse Problems - vol. 29 (pp 025017 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
E. Chung, P. Ciarlet
J. Comput. Appl. Math. - vol. 239 (pp 189-207 ) 
C. Bellis, M. Bonnet
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering - vol. 253 (pp 89-105 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
E. Chung, P. Ciarlet, T. Yu
J. Comput. Phys. - vol. 235 (pp 14-31 ) 
Asymptotic Analysis - IOS Press - vol. 83 (pp 157-187 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
H. Haddar, A. Lechleiter, S. Marmorat
Applicable Analysis (pp 1-22 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gifimages/icons/doctype_link.gif
Wave Motion - vol. 50 (pp 1090-1104 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gifimages/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
H. Chang, E. Chung, G. Cohen
Int. Journal of Num. Analysis and Modeling - vol. 10 (1) (pp 233-256 ) 
J. Comput. Phys. - vol. 241 (pp 445-463 ) 
J. Numer. Math. - vol. 21 (pp 173-180 ) 
Wave Motion - vol. 50(3) (pp 456–480 ) 
Journal of Computational and AppliedMathematics 
C. Bellis, M. Bonnet, B. Guzina
Wave Motion - vol. 50 (pp 891-908 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I - vol. 351 (pp 187-190 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
C. Bellis, M. Bonnet, F. Cakoni
Inverse Problems - vol. 29 (pp 075012 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Inverse Problems - vol. 19(10) (pp 104004 ) 
Acoustical Physics - vol. 59(6) (pp 633-639 ) 
M. Bonnet, G. Delgado
Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math. - vol. 66 (pp 557-586 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems, Walter de Gruyter 
J. Chabassier, A. Chaigne, P. Joly
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America - vol. 1 (1) (pp 666-685 ) 
J. Chabassier, A. Chaigne, P. Joly
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - vol. 45, 05 (pp 1241-1278 ) 
F. Blanc, C. Touze, J.-F. Mercier, K. Ege, A.-S. Bonnet-BenDhia
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing - vol. 36(2) (pp 520-539 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
J.-F. Mercier, A. Maurel
Proc. R. Soc. A - vol. 469(2156) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif



A.-S. Bonnet-BenDhia, J.-F. Mercier, F. Millot, S. Pernet, E. Peynaud
Communications in Computational Physics - vol. 11(2) (pp 555-572 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Communications in Computational Physics - vol. 11(2) (pp 303-318 ) 
Communications in Computational Physics - vol. 11(2) (pp 508-524 ) 
S. Chaillat, J.-F. Semblat, M. Bonnet
Commun. Comput. Phys. - vol. 11(2) (pp 594-609 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gifimages/icons/doctype_link.gif
S. Chaillat, G. Biros
Journal of Computational Physics - vol. 231(12) (pp 4403-–4421 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gifimages/icons/doctype_link.gif
Siam Journal of Scientific Computing - vol. 34-3 (pp 1824-1848 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
SIAM journal on Scientific Computing - vol. 34(3) (pp 1563-1583 ) 
Journal of Computational Physics - vol. 231(4) (pp 1675-1704 ) 
T. Hagstrom, É. Bécache, D. Givoli, K. Stein
Communications in Computational Physics - vol. 11(2) (pp 610-628 ) 
É. Bécache, A. Prieto
APNUM - vol. 62 (pp 1639-–1653 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
E. Grasso, S. Chaillat, M. Bonnet, J.-F. Semblat
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements - vol. 36 (pp 744-758 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gifimages/icons/doctype_link.gif
Journal of Computational Physics - vol. 231(4) (pp 1244–-1271 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
Commun. Comput. Phys. - vol. 11(2) (pp 285-302 ) 
Math. Mod. Num. Anal. - vol. 46 (pp 1363–-1387 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Inverse problems - vol. 28 (pp 065005 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
SeMA Journal - vol. 57 (pp 5-48 ) 
M2AN Math. Model. Numer. Anal (pp 875-909 ) 
B. Delourme, H. Haddar, P. Joly
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées - vol. 98 (1) (pp 28-71 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Inverse Problems - vol. 28 (pp 105011 (18pp) ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
A. Maurel, J.-F. Mercier
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. - vol. 131(3) (pp 1874-1889 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
L. Kovalevsky, P. Ladevèze, H. Riou, M. Bonnet
Journal of Computational Acoustics - vol. 20 (pp 1250021 ) 
Journal of Computational Physics - vol. 231 (pp 4643-4661 ) 
A. Maurel, J.-F. Mercier, A. Ourir, V. Pagneux
Phys. Rev. B - vol. 85 images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Computers Math. Applic. - vol. 64 (pp 22–34 ) 
Numerical Analysis and Applications - vol. 5 (pp 136-143 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics - vol. 4 (12) (pp 647-664 ) 
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing - vol. 36 (pp 3057–-3078 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
V. Chiaruttini, D. Geoffroy, V. Riolo, M. Bonnet
Eur. J. Comp. Mech. - vol. 21 (pp 208-218 ) 



M3AS - vol. 21(5) (pp 1121-1151 ) 
Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng. - vol. 86(11) (pp 1360–1378 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
P. Ciarlet, P. Ciarlet, O. Iosifescu, S. Sauter, J. Zou
Math. Models Meth. App. Sci. - vol. 21 (pp 651-666 ) 
Applicable Analysis - vol. 90/10 (pp 1481-1497 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Inverse Problems - vol. 27 (pp 055001(27pp) ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics - vol. 76 (pp 938-955 ) 
Inverse Problems - vol. 27 (pp 095002 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
P. Ciarlet, S. Labrunie
Differential Equations and Applications - vol. 3 (pp 113-155 ) 
C. R. Acad. Sci., Ser. I - vol. 340 images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
SIAM J. Math. Anal. - vol. 43(5) (pp 2150-2169 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
SIAM J. Appl. Math. - vol. 71 (pp 2048-2071 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
C. R. Acad. Sci. Ser. I - vol. 349 (pp 1005-1009 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
J. Elisee, M. Bonnet, S. Arridge
Optics Letters - vol. 36 (pp 4101-4103 ) 
T. Abboud, P. Joly, J. Rodríguez, I. Terrasse
J. Comput. Phys. - vol. 230, 15 (pp 5877–5907 ) 
Note aux comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Série I 
N. Pahlevan, F. Amlani, M. Hossein Gorji, F. Hussain, M. Gharib
Annals of Biomedical Engineering - Springer Verlag - vol. 39 (5) (pp 1470 - 1481 ) 
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements - vol. 35 (pp 223-235 ) 



Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics - vol. 234(6) (pp 1868-1875 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics - vol. 234(6) (pp 1945-1952 ) 
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics - vol. 234(6) (pp 1912-1919 ) 
H. Haddar, J.-R. Li, D. Matignon
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics - vol. 234(6) (pp 2003-2010 ) 
M. Bergot, P. Lacoste
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics - vol. 234(6) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Journal of Scientific Computing - vol. 42 (pp 345-381 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
C. Amrouche, P. Ciarlet, P. Ciarlet
Analysis and Applications - vol. 8 (pp 1-17 ) 
P. Ciarlet, F. Lefèvre, S. Lohrengel, S. Nicaise
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - vol. 44 (pp 75-108 ) 
D. Rabinovich, D. Givoli, É. Bécache
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering - vol. 26 (pp 1351-1369 ) 
É. Bécache, D. Givoli, T. Hagstrom
JCP - vol. 229 (4) (pp 1099-1129 ) 
Inverse Problems and Imaging - vol. 4-3 (pp 351-377 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Applicable Analysis - vol. 89/11 (pp 1745-1768 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
P. Ciarlet, C. Scheid
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - vol. 44 (4) (pp 647-670 ) 
L. Bourgeois, H. Haddar
Inverse Problems and Imaging - vol. 4-1 (pp 19-38 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
M2AN - vol. 44 (4) (pp 715-735 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
S. Fliss, E. Cassan, D. Bernier
JOSA B - vol. 27 (7) (pp 1492-1503 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gifimages/icons/doctype_link.gif
Waves in Random and Complex Media - vol. 20(4) (pp 615–633 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gifimages/icons/doctype_link.gif
Inverse Problems - vol. 26 (9) (pp 095016(21pp) ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
P. Ciarlet, P. Ciarlet, O. Iosifescu, S. Sauter, J. Zou
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I - vol. 348 (pp 587-592 ) 
J. Coatléven, C. Altafini
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering - vol. 7(2) (pp 303-314 ) 
SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics - vol. 70 (pp 2449-2472 ) 
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering - vol. 199 (pp 2779-2795 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
K. Schmidt, R. Kappeler
Optics Express - vol. 18 (7) (pp 7307-7322 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
Z. Angew. Math. Phys. - vol. 61 (4) (pp 603-626 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gifimages/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
J. López-Vázquez, L.-B. Xosé, C. Trillo, Á. Doval, J. Fernandez, F. Amlani, O. Bruno
Optical Engineering - SPIE - vol. 49 (9) 



Applied Numerical Mathematics - vol. 59 (9) (pp 2155-2178 ) 
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - vol. 43 (2) (pp 377--398 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics - vol. 234(6) (pp 1953-1961 ) 
Y. Chen, J. Hesthaven, Y. Maday, J. Rodríguez
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - vol. 43(6) (pp 1099--1116 ) 
P. Ciarlet, P. Ciarlet
Math. Models Meth. App. Sci. - vol. 19 (7) (pp 1043-1064 ) 
P. Ciarlet, S. Labrunie
Math. Models Meth. App. Sci. - vol. 19 (11) (pp 1959-1994 ) 
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics - vol. 234(6) (pp 1886-1895 ) 
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations - vol. 25 (3) (pp 526--551 ) 
M. Ballesteros, R. Weder
Communications in Mathematical Physics - Springer - vol. 285(1) (pp 345-398 ) 
Journal of Computational Acoustics - vol. 17 (2) (pp 175--196 ) 
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences - vol. 19(8) (pp 1325-1355 ) 
G. Hechme, Y. Nechepurenko, M. Sadkane
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics - Elsevier - vol. 229 (1) (pp 54--60 ) 
J.-B. Apoung, P. Havé, J.-G. Houot, M. Kern, A. Semin
ESAIM: proceedings - vol. 28 (pp 227-245 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gifimages/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics - vol. 62(2) (pp 105-129 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
A.-S. Bonnet-BenDhia, L. Chorfi, G. Dakhia, C. Hazard
SIAM J. Appl. Math. - vol. 70 (3) (pp 677-693 ) 
Numerische Mathematik. - vol. 113 (4) (pp 497-518 ) 
ECCOMAS Thematic Conference images/icons/doctype_link.gif
C. Engström, C. Hafner, K. Schmidt
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience - vol. 6 (pp 775-783 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
K. Schmidt, P. Kauf
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering - vol. 198 (pp 1249-1259 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
M. Blome, H. Maurer, K. Schmidt
Geophysical Journal International - vol. 176 (pp 740-752 ) 
to appear in J. Funct. Anal. images/icons/doctype_link.gif
M. Ballesteros, R. Weder
Journal of Mathematical Physics - vol. 50 (12) (pp 122108 ) 
J. López-Vázquez, J. Luis Deán, C. Trillo, Á. Doval, J. Fernandez, F. Amlani, O. Bruno
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering - vol. 7389 



G. Hechme, Y. Nechepurenko, M. Sadkane
SIAM journal on Scientific Computing - vol. 31(1) (pp 667-686 ) 
J.-C. Gilbert, P. Joly
Partial Differential Equations : Modeling and Numerical Simulation - Springer - vol. 16 (pp 67--93 ) 
Journal of Physics: Conference Series - IOP - vol. 135 (pp 012023 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Inverse Problems - vol. 24 (1) (pp 015018 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
F. Assous, P. Ciarlet, E. Garcia
Numerical Analysis and Modeling - vol. 5 (pp 491-515 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Math. Models Meth. App. Sci. - vol. 18 (9) (pp 1605-1631 ) 
P. Ciarlet, P. Ciarlet
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I - vol. 346 (5-6) (pp 351-356 ) 
ESAIM: proceedings - vol. 25 (pp 44-67 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gifimages/icons/doctype_link.gif
IMA Journal of Applied Math. - vol. 73 (4) (pp 668--690 ) 
International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering - vol. 6 (3) (pp 263-279 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
Y. Chen, J. Hesthaven, Y. Maday, J. Rodríguez
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I - vol. 346 (23-24) (pp 1295--1300 ) 
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. - vol. 198 (2) (pp 358-365 ) 
M2AN, Math. Model. Numer. Anal. - vol. 42 (2) (pp 193--221 ) 
H. Haddar, P. Joly, H. N'Guyen
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences - vol. 18, 10 (pp 1787--1827 ) 
É. Demaldent, D. Levadoux, G. Cohen
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation - vol. 56 (9) (pp 3001-3010 ) 
PAMM - vol. 7 (pp 2040011-2040012 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
K. Schmidt, O. Sterz, R. Hiptmair
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics - vol. 44(6) (pp 686-689 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif



J. Comput. Appl. Math - vol. 204(2) (pp 428-439 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics - vol. 204 (2 SPEC) (pp 408-417 ) 
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics - vol. 204 (2 SPEC) (pp 387-399 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
M. Grote, C. Kirsch
Journal of Computational Physics - vol. 221(1) (pp 41-62 ) 
R. Barthelmé, P. Ciarlet, E. Sonnendrücker
Math. Models Meth. App. Sci. - vol. 17 (5) (pp 657-680 ) 
X. Claeys, H. Haddar
Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. - vol. 30 (30) (pp 389-414 ) 
Math. Models Meth. App. Sci. - vol. 17 (6) (pp 845-876 ) 
Math. Models Meth. App. Sci. - vol. 17(3) (pp 461-484 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I - vol. 345 (5) (pp 293-296 ) 
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburg, - vol. 137 (5) (pp 995--1035 ) 
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics - vol. 67(3) (pp 777-791 ) 
P. Ciarlet, P. Ciarlet, G. Geymonat, F. Krasucki
Comptes Rendus Mathématique - vol. 344 (I) (pp 305-308 ) 
J. Comput. Phys. - vol. 226 (1) (pp 1122-1135 ) 
ESAIM: proceedings - vol. 22 (pp 1-14 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - vol. 41 (5) (pp 925--943 ) 
SIAM J. Sci. Comput. - vol. 29 (3) (pp 1244--1267 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I - vol. 345 (7) (pp 385-390 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
C. Hazard, M. Meylan
SIAM J. Appl. Math. - vol. 68(3) (pp 629-647 ) 
Numerische Mathematik - vol. 116(2) (pp 243-268 ) 
Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics - vol. 60(4) (pp 397-421 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
C. Amrouche, P. Ciarlet, P. Ciarlet
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I - vol. 345 (pp 603-608 ) 
SIAM journal on Scientific Computing - vol. 29(3) (pp 1127-1159 ) 
Journal of Computational Mathematics - vol. 25 (pp 282-304 ) 
SIAM journal on Scientific Computing - vol. 29(3) (pp 986-1005 ) 



Revue Africaine de la Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées - vol. 5 (pp 65-79 ) 
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis - vol. 44 (3) (pp 1191-1217 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
Inverse Problems - vol. 22 (2) (pp 413-430 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
G. Hechme, Y. Nechepurenko
Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling - vol. 21(3) (pp 185-198 ) 
P. Ciarlet, B. Jung, S. Kaddouri, S. Labrunie, J. Zou
Numerische Mathematik - vol. 102 (pp 583-610 ) 
P. Joly, J.-R. Li, S. Fliss
Communications in Computational Physics - vol. 1(6) (pp 945-973 ) 
Journal of Computational Physics - vol. 211(1) (pp 9-35 ) 
ARIMA - vol. 5 (pp 95-109 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation: A SIAM Interdisciplinary Journal - vol. 5 (1) (pp 304--336 ) 
M2AN Math. Model. Numer. Anal - vol. 40 (1) (pp 63-97 ) 
F. Assous, P. Ciarlet, E. Garcia, J. Segré
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering - vol. 196(1-3) (pp 665-681 ) 
M. Duruflé, H. Haddar, P. Joly
Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences de Paris Serie Physique - vol. 7 (5) (pp 533-542 ) 
Comptes Rendus Mathématique - vol. 343 (10) (pp 671-674 ) 
C. R. Acad. Sci. - vol. 343 (8) (pp 561-564 ) 
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering - vol. 195, 29-32 (pp 3820--3853 ) 
Applied Numerical Mathematics - vol. 56, 10-11 (pp 1432--1449 ) 
A. Chaigne, P. Joly, L. Rhaouti
Dossiers Pour la Science - vol. 52 (pp 66-72 ) 
A. Chaigne, G. Derveaux, P. Joly
Dossiers Pour la Science - vol. 52 (pp 74-75 ) 
G. Cohen, X. Ferrieres, S. Pernet
Journal of Computational Physics - vol. 217(2) (pp 340-363 ) 
G. Cohen, X. Ferrieres, S. Pernet
Comptes Rendus Physique - vol. 7 (pp 494-500 ) 



Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. - vol. 15 (7) (pp 1059-1090 ) 
Inverse Problems - vol. 21 (3) (pp 1087-1104 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis - vol. 43 (pp 825-859 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. - vol. 194 (pp 355-366 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
Journal of Computational Acoustics - vol. 13 (4) (pp 689-709 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
G. Hechme, Y. Nechepurenko, M. Sadkane
Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling - vol. 20 (2) (pp 115-129 ) 
P. Ciarlet, B. Jung, S. Kaddouri, S. Labrunie, J. Zou
Numerische Mathematik - vol. 101 (pp 423-450 ) 
F. Assous, P. Ciarlet, E. Garcia
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I - vol. 341 (10) (pp 605-610 ) 
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering - vol. 194(2-5) (pp 559-586 ) 
P. Ciarlet, P. Ciarlet
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences - vol. 15(02) (pp 259-271 ) 
SIAM J. Appl. Math. - vol. 65 (5) (pp 1547--1575 ) 
J. Comput. Acoust. - vol. 13 (3) (pp 403--431 ) 
H. Haddar, P. Joly, H.-M. Nguyen
Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. - vol. 15 (8) (pp 1273--1300 ) 
A. Ben Abda, F. Delbary, H. Haddar
Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. - vol. 15 (10) (pp 1553-1574 ) 
SIAM journal on Scientific Computing - vol. 26 (3) (pp 864-884 ) 
S. Pernet, X. Ferrieres, G. Cohen
IEEE Trans on Antennas and Propagation - vol. 53 (9) (pp 2889 - 2899 ) 
Computers and structures - vol. 83 (2-3) (pp 107-126 ) 
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations - vol. 21 (2) (pp 323 - 348 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
É. Bécache, A. Kiselev
Acta Acustica united with Acustica - vol. 91 (5) (pp 822-830 ) 
É. Bécache, P. Joly, J. Rodriguez
ECCOMAS Thematic Conference images/icons/doctype_link.gif



SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis - vol. 42 (pp 409-433 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Comptes Rendus Mathematique - vol. 339(6) (pp 445-450 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
A. Maurel, J.-F. Mercier, F. Lund
Physical Review B - vol. 70 (pp 024303 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
A. Maurel, J.-F. Mercier, F. Lund
Acoustical Society of America Journal - vol. 115(6) (pp 2773-2780 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
Journal of Computational Acoustics - vol. 12 (3) (pp 447-474 ) 
C. Hazard, K. Ramdani
SIAM J. Appl. Math. - vol. 64 (3) (pp 1057-1076 ) 
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I - vol. 339 (10) (pp 721-726 ) 
P. Ciarlet, P. Ciarlet
Comptes Rendus Mathematique - vol. 339(4) (pp 307-312 ) 
Computational Geosciences - vol. 8(3) (pp 255-299 ) 
M. Grote, C. Kirsch
Journal of Computational Physics - vol. 201 (pp 630-650 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
Comptes Rendus Mathematique - [Corrigendum C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, vol. 340, pp. 409–410, 2005] - vol. 339(11) (pp 809-814 ) 
Comptes Rendus Mathématique - vol. 339 (11) (pp 809-814 ) 
É. Bécache, P. Petropoulos, S. Gedney
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation - vol. 52 (5) 



F. Assous, P. Ciarlet, S. Labrunie, J. Segré
Journal of Computational Physics - vol. 191(1) (pp 147-176 ) 
Comptes Rendus Mathematique - vol. 337(2) (pp 119-124 ) 
P. Ciarlet, J. Huang, J. Zou
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications - vol. 25(1) (pp 224-236 ) 
F. Assous, P. Ciarlet, S. Labrunie
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences - vol. 26(10) (pp 861-896 ) 
P. Ciarlet, J. He
Comptes Rendus Mathematique - vol. 336(4) (pp 353-358 ) 
Numerische Mathematik. - vol. 95, no. 2 (pp 223--251 ) 
Numerische Mathematik - vol. 95(2) (pp 197-221 ) 
Journal of Computational Physics - vol. 188(2) (pp 399-433 ) 
H. Haddar, P. Joly
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A - vol. 133(3) (pp 567--598 ) 
Acoustical Society of America Journal - vol. 114(6) (pp 3368 - 3383 ) 



A.-S. Bonnet-BenDhia, L. Dahi, E. Lunéville, V. Pagneux
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences - vol. 12(5) (pp 625-647 ) 
J.-F. Mercier, J. Moloney
Physical Review E - vol. 66 (pp 036221 ) 
J.-F. Mercier, C. Weisman, M. Firdaouss, P. Le Quéré
Journal of heat transfer - vol. 124(1) (pp 130-143 ) 
J.-F. Mercier, C. Normand
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer - vol. 45(4) (pp 793-801 ) 
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - vol. 36(3) (pp 461-487 ) 
Advances in Computational Mathematics - vol. 16(2-3) (pp 113-138 ) 
Comptes Rendus Mécanique - vol. 330(1) (pp 57-68 ) 
C. Hazard, S. Lohrengel
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. - vol. 40 (3) (pp 1021-1040 ) 
P. Ciarlet, V. Girault
Comptes Rendus Mathematique - vol. 335(10) (pp 827-832 ) 
F. Assous, P. Ciarlet, S. Labrunie
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences - vol. 25 (1) (pp 49-78 ) 
C. Alboin, J. Jaffré, P. Joly, J. Roberts, C. Serres
Computational Geosciences - vol. 6(3-4) (pp 523-543 ) 
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - vol. 36(1) (pp 87-119 ) 
H. Haddar, P. Joly
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics - vol. 143(2) (pp 201-236 ) 
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis - vol. 39(6) (pp 2109-2132 ) 
A. Bermúdez, D. Gómez Pedreira, P. Joly
Advances in Computational Mathematics - vol. 16(2-3) (pp 229-261 ) 
E. Garcia, S. Labrunie
Comptes Rendus Mathematique - vol. 334(4) (pp 293-298 ) 
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis - vol. 39(5) (pp 1684-1711 ) 



Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Série IIB - Mécanique - vol. 329(8) (pp 601-606 ) 
A. Buffa, P. Ciarlet
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences - vol. 24 (1) (pp 31-48 ) 
A. Buffa, P. Ciarlet
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences - vol. 24 (1) (pp 9-30 ) 
H. Haddar, P. Joly
Asymptot. Anal. - vol. 27, no. 2 (pp 127--160. ) 
G. Cohen, P. Joly, J. Roberts, N. Tordjman
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. - vol. 38(6) (pp 2047-2078 ) 
D. Pedreira, P. Joly
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis - vol. 39(2) (pp 596-623 ) 
D. Pedreira, P. Joly
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. - vol. 39, no. 5 (pp 1684--1711 ) 
J. Comput. Acoust. - vol. 9, no. 3 (pp 1175--1201 ) images/icons/doctype_link.gif
A.-S. Bonnet-BenDhia, G. Caloz, M. Dauge, F. Mahé
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics - vol. 66(3) (pp 231--257 ) 
A.-S. Bonnet-BenDhia, A. Tillequin
Journal of Computational Acoustics - vol. 9(4) (pp 1611-1631 ) 
A.-S. Bonnet-BenDhia, A. Tillequin
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences - vol. 24(14) (pp 1089--1111 ) 
H. Haddar, P. Joly
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics - vol. 61(4) (pp 1386-1417 ) 



P. Ciarlet, N. Filonov, S. Labrunie
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics - vol. 331(4) (pp 293-298 ) 
F. Assous, P. Ciarlet, J. Segré
Journal of Computational Physics - vol. 161(1) (pp 218-249 ) 
F. Assous, P. Ciarlet, E. Garcia
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics - vol. 330 (pp 391-396 ) 
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics - vol. 60(6) (pp 2087-2113 ) 
A.-S. Bonnet-BenDhia, K. Ramdani, A. Tillequin
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics - vol. 331 (12) (pp 977–982 ) 
I. Champy-Doutreleau, D. Euvrard, C. Hazard
Journal of Fluid Mechanics - vol. 411 (pp 305-324 ) 



F. Assous, P. Ciarlet, S. Labrunie
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics - vol. 328(9) (pp 767-772 ) 
P. Ciarlet, J. Zou
Numerische Mathematik - vol. 82(2) (pp 193-219 ) 
F. Assous, P. Ciarlet, P.-A. Raviart, E. Sonnendrücker
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences - vol. 22 (pp 485-499 ) 
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences - vol. 9(5) (pp 755-798 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics - vol. 59(6) (pp 2028-2044 ) 
A.-S. Bonnet-BenDhia, M. Dauge, K. Ramdani
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics - vol. 328(8) (pp 717-720 ) 
J.-F. Mercier, C. Normand
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer - vol. 42(1) (pp 95-110 ) 



E. Lunéville, J.-M. Krieg, E. Giguet
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques - vol. 46(1) (pp 1-9 ) 
P.-M. Cutzach, E. Lunéville
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics - vol. 326(9) (pp 1151-1154 ) 
F. Assous, P. Ciarlet
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics - vol. 327(8) (pp 719-724 ) 
P. Ciarlet, C. Hazard, S. Lohrengel
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics - vol. 326(11) (pp 1305-1310 ) 
F. Assous, P. Ciarlet, E. Sonnendrücker
Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique - vol. 32(3) (pp 359-389 ) 
A.-S. Bonnet-BenDhia, G. Caloz, F. Mahé
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics - vol. 60(3) (pp 225-261 ) 
C. Hazard, P.-M. Cutzach
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences - vol. 21 (pp 433-461 ) 



F. Assous, P. Ciarlet
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics - vol. 325(6) (pp 605-610 ) 
P. Ciarlet, E. Sonnendrücker
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences - vol. 7(8) (pp 1085-1120 ) 
T. Chan, P. Ciarlet, W. Szeto
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing - vol. 18(3) (pp 943-948 ) 
P. Ciarlet, J. Zou
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique - vol. 31(2) (pp 213-250 ) 
Journal of Optics - vol. 28(1) (pp 41-43 ) 



SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis - vol. 27 (pp 1597-1630 ) 



SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis - vol. 32(4) (pp 1263-1279 ) 



A.-S. Bonnet-BenDhia, R. Djellouli
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics - vol. 52(3) (pp 271-287 ) 
A.-S. Bonnet-BenDhia, F. Starling
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences - vol. 17(5) (pp 305-338 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif



SIAM Journal on on Applied Mathematics - vol. 53 (pp 1507--1550 ) 
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis - vol. 24 (pp 1458-1514 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gif



M. Lenoir, M. Vullierme-Ledard, C. Hazard
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis - vol. 23 (pp 579-608 ) 



A. Bamberger, A.-S. Bonnet-BenDhia
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis - vol. 21(6) (pp 1487-1510 ) 



M. Lenoir, A. Tounsi
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis - vol. 25(4) (pp 729–752 ) 



J. Cahouet, M. Lenoir
Comptes-rendus des séances de l'Académie des sciences. Série 2, Mécanique-physique, chimie, sciences de l'univers, sciences de la terre - vol. 297(12) (pp 819-822 ) 



A. Jami, M. Lenoir
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering - vol. 16(3) (pp 341–359 ) 

Number of posted publications : 522