
Title : An improved time domain linear sampling method for Robin and Neumann obstacles
Year : 2013
Type : paper in peer-reviewed journal
Authors : H. Haddar, A. Lechleiter, S. Marmorat
Abstract : We consider inverse obstacle scattering problems for the wave equation with Robin or Neumann boundary conditions. The problem of reconstructing the geometry of such obstacles from measurements of scattered waves in the time domain is tackled using a time domain linear sampling method. This imaging technique yields a picture of the scatterer by solving a linear operator equation involving the measured data for many right-hand sides given by singular solutions to the wave equation. We analyze this algorithm for causal and smooth impulse shapes, we discuss the e ect of di erent choices of the singular solutions used in the algorithm, and nally we propose a fast FFT-based implementation.
Themes : Transient waves
Inverse problems
Reference : Applicable Analysis (pp 1-22 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gifimages/icons/doctype_link.gif