
Title : Stability and dispersion analysis of the staggered discontinuous Galerkin method for wave propagation
Year : 2013
Type : paper in peer-reviewed journal
Authors : H. Chang, E. Chung, G. Cohen
Abstract : Staggered discontinuous Galerkin methods have been developed recently and are adopted successfully to many problems such as wave propagation, elliptic equation, convectiondiffusion equation and the Maxwell’s equations. For wave propagation, the method is proved to have the desirable properties of energy conservation, optimal order of convergence and blockdiagonal mass matrices. In this paper, we perform an analysis for the dispersion error and theCFL constant. Our results show that the staggered method provides a smaller dispersion error compared with classical finite element method as well as non-staggered discontinuous Galerkin methods.
Themes : Transient waves
Reference : Int. Journal of Num. Analysis and Modeling - vol. 10 (1) (pp 233-256 )