
Title : Finite Element Heterogeneous Multiscale Method for the Classical Helmholtz Equation
Year : 2014
Type : paper in peer-reviewed journal
Authors : P. Ciarlet, C. Stohrer
Abstract : We show that standard Finite Element Heterogeneous Multiscale Method (FE-HMM) can be used to approximate the effective behavior of solutions of the classical Helmholtz equation in highly oscillatory media. Using a novel combination of well known results about FE-HMM and the notion of T -coercivity we derive an a priori error bound. Numerical experiments corroborate the analytical findings.
Themes : Asymptotic models
Harmonic waves
Reference : C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I - vol. 352 (pp 755-760 ) images/icons/doctype_pdf.gifimages/icons/doctype_link.gif