Title : | A mixed finite element method and an explicit scheme for wave propagation in viscoelastic time domain |
Year : | 2005 |
Type : | conference without proceedings |
Authors : | A. Ezziani |
Themes : | |
Reference : | Jano8, Rabat, Morocco, |
Wave propagation : Mathematical Studies and Simulation |
Publications > publication 410 |
Unité de Mathématiques Appliquées de ENSTA Paris,
828, Boulevard des Maréchaux, 91762 Palaiseau Cedex |
Title : | A mixed finite element method and an explicit scheme for wave propagation in viscoelastic time domain |
Year : | 2005 |
Type : | conference without proceedings |
Authors : | A. Ezziani |
Themes : | |
Reference : | Jano8, Rabat, Morocco, |