Résumé : |
We propose a generalization of the space-time mesh refinement technique for elastodynamics
presented by [14] to the case where the discretization step (in space and time) on the fine grid
is q
∈ N times finer than the one on the coarse grid. This method uses the conservation
of a discrete energy to ensure the stability under the usual CFL condition. Some numerical
examples show that the method is only first order accurate (and thus suboptimal with respect
to the second-order interior scheme we have used) when the ratio of refinement is higher than
2. A Fourier analysis of the computed signals exhibits the presence of high-frequency waves
(aliasing phenomena) polluting the fields on the fine grid. Those results provide valuable
information with which to build a postprocessing by averaging that removes the spurious
phenomena. Finally, we introduce a new numerical scheme, computing the postprocessed
solution directly. This method is stable and second-order consistent, regardless of the ratio
of refinement. Its performance is shown through a numerical simulation of the diffraction of
elastic waves by small cracks. |