XLiFE++ website is now hosted here with up-to-date content. The current website, with potentially deprecated content, will be removed soon.
About XLiFE++
XLiFE++ is an FEM-BEM C++ code developed by P.O.e.m.s. laboratory and I.R.M.A.R. laboratory, that can solve 1D / 2D / 3D, scalar / vector, transient / stationnary / harmonic problems. It provides:
- Advanced mesh tools, with refinement methods, including an advanced interface to the mesh generator Gmsh
- High order Lagrange Finite Elements (every order)
- High order edge Finite Elements (every order)
- Boundary Elements methods: Laplace, Helmholtz, Maxwell, Stokes (in progress)
- Essential conditions (periodic, quasi-periodic)
- Absorbing conditions: DtN, PML, ...
- Export to visualization tools such as Gmsh, Paraview, Matlab
- Many solvers (direct solvers, iterative solvers, eigenvalue solvers, wrappers to Arpack, UmfPack and Eigen libraries)
XLiFE++ is the heir of 2 finite element software products :
- Melina (and Melina++), developed by Daniel Martin, former I.R.M.A.R. laboratory, and P.O.e.m.s. laboratory (UMR 7231), since 1989
- Montjoie, developed by Marc Duruflé, I.N.R.I.A. Bordeaux South West, during his PhD thesis in the P.O.e.m.s. laboratory, I.N.R.I.A. Rocquencourt, since 2003
From 2011 to 2014, its development has been supported by the SIMPOSIUM European Project .
Team members
- Éric Lunéville - P.O.e.m.s.
- Nicolas Kielbasiewicz - P.O.e.m.s.
- Laure Pesudo - P.O.e.m.s.
- Colin Chambeyron - P.O.e.m.s.
- Marc Lenoir - P.O.e.m.s.
- Éric Darrigrand - I.R.M.A.R.
- Yvon Lafranche - I.R.M.A.R.
- Pierre Navaro - I.R.M.A.R.
- Ludovic Goudenège - M.A.S., Ecole Centrale Paris
Former contributors: Manh Ha Nguyen - P.O.e.m.s., Steven Roman - P.O.e.m.s., Nicolas Salles - P.O.e.m.s.
XLiFE++ is Copyright (C) 2010 - by É. Lunéville and N. Kielbasiewicz and is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL (Version 3 or later). This means that everyone is free to use XLiFE++ and to redistribute it on a free basis.
XLiFE++ is not in the public domain; it is copyrighted and there are restrictions on its distribution. You cannot integrate XLiFE++ (in full or in parts) in any closed-source software you plan to distribute (commercially or not). If you want to integrate parts of XLiFE++ into a closed-source software, or want to sell a modified closed-source version of XLiFE++, you will need to obtain a different license. Please contact us directly for more information.
The developers do not assume any responsibility in the numerical results obtained using the XLiFE++ library and are not responsible of bugs.