UMA Home page for Juliette Chabassier
POEMS team

Research activities (sorry, only french text)
My PhD topic is to model and perform numerical simulations of a concert piano.
I am also working with Sebastien Imperiale on high order theta-schemes for the linear scalar wave equation.
Teaching activities (sorry, only french text)
Summer 2008 : MA 261 : Initiation au calcul scientifique (TDs Matlab), ENSTA Paris
Year 2008/2009 : University Paris Sud (Orsay)
M 208 : Simulations Numériques
M 315 : Calcul Scientifique
M266 : Algèbre et Géométrie
Year 2009/2010 : University Paris Sud (Orsay)
M154 : Compléments d'Algèbre et d'Analyse
M 315 : Calcul Scientifique
M266 : Algèbre et Géométrie
Other activities (sorry, only french text)
I am in charge of the organization of Poems seminar
when it takes place at INRIA.
Papers in peer-reviewed journals
- Time Domain Simulation of a Piano. Part 2 : Numerical Aspects
, and
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 2015
- Introduction and study of fourth order theta schemes for linear wave equations
Journal of Computational and AppliedMathematics, 2013 - Modeling and simulation of a grand piano
, and
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 1 (1), pp. 666-685, jul, 2013 - Stability and dispersion analysis of improved time discretisation for prestressed Timoshenko systems. Application to the stiff piano string
Wave Motion, vol. 50(3), pp. 456–480, apr, 2013 - Time domain simulation of a piano. Part 1 : Model description
, and
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, vol. 45, 05, pp. 1241-1278, nov, 2013
- Energy preserving schemes for nonlinear Hamiltonian systems of wave equations: Application to the vibrating piano string
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 199, pp. 2779-2795, nov, 2010 []
Paper in non peer-reviewed journals
- Le piano rêvé des mathématiciens
, , and
Interstices (INRIA), 2014
Conferences without proceedings
- Modeling and numerical simulation of a nonlinear system of piano strings coupled to a soundboard.
International Conference on Acoustics, aug, 2010 []
- Numerical simuation of a concert piano.
5th Workshop on Numerical Methods for Evolution Equations, sep, 2010 - Transitoires de piano et non-linéarités des cordes : mesures et simulations
10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, apr, 2010 []
- Energy preserving scheme for a nonlinear system of piano strings.
South African Symposium for Numerical and Applied Mathematics, apr, 2009 - Energy preserving schemes for nonlinear systems of wave equations. Application to piano strings.
WAVES 2009, jun, 2009 []
Doctoral these
- Modélisation et simulation numérique d'un piano par modèles physiques
Ecole doctorale de l'Ecole Polytechnique, mar 2012
Research report
- Energy Preserving Schemes for Nonlinear Hamiltonian Systems of Wave Equations. Application to the Vibrating Piano String.
pp. 70, jan, 2010