UMA Home page for Colin Chambeyron

Research activities (sorry, only french text)
- Participation au développement du code Melina.
Teaching activities (sorry, only french text)
- cours td maths licence 1ere/2eme année université Paris-Dauphine
Other activities (sorry, only french text)
- Participation au développement du site web du laboratoire POEMS
Papers in peer-reviewed journals
- On the use of perfectly matched layers in the presence of long or backward guided elastic waves
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Wave Motion, vol. 51(2), pp. 266-283, 2014
- Locating an obstacle in a 3D finite depth ocean using the convex scattering support
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Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 204 (2 SPEC), pp. 387-399, jul, 2007 []
Conferences without proceedings
- Scattering by a defect in an elastic waveguide : Coupling of finite elements and modal representations
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Acoustics'08 - Paris, jul, 2008
- Condition aux limites transparente pour la propagation acoustique dans un guide recouvert dun matériau absorbant en présence dun écoulement uniforme
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18ème Congrès Français de Mécanique Grenoble, aug, 2007
- Locating an obstacle in a 3D finite depth ocean using the convex scattering support
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Conférence PICOF 2006, Université de Nice, Nice (France), 5-7/4/2006, 2006
- Locating an obstacle in a 3D waveguide using the scattering support theory
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Conférence Waves 2005, Brown University, Providence (USA), 20-24/6/2005, 2005 - Nouveaux Solveurs pour Melina++
Journées Melina, Le Croisic, 2005