UMA Home page for Francis Collino
POEMS team
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Papers in peer-reviewed journals
- Computing singular and near-singular integrals over curved boundary elements: The strongly singular case
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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 46 (6), pp. A3756-A3778, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2024
- Exponentially convergent non overlapping domain decomposition methods for the Helmholtz equation
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ESAIM M2AN, vol. 54, pp. 775-810, 2020 []
- A Wideband Fast Multipole Method for the Helmholtz Kernel: Theoretical Developments
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, vol. 70, pp. 660-678, 2015
- Quasi-local transmission conditions for non-overlapping domain decomposition methods for the Helmholtz equation
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Comptes Rendus Physique, vol. 15,5, pp. 403 - 414, 2014
- Numerical Microlocal analysis of 2-D noisy harmonic plane and circular waves
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Asymptotic Analysis, vol. 83, pp. 157-187, IOS Press, 2013 []
- Source point discovery through high frequency asymptotic time reversal
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Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 231, pp. 4643-4661, 2012
- Augmented Galerkin Schemes for the Numerical Solution of Scattering by Small Obstacles
Numerische Mathematik, vol. 116(2), pp. 243-268, 2007
- Conservative space-time mesh refinement methods for the FDTD solution of Maxwell's equations
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Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 211(1), pp. 9-35, 2006
- A conservative space-time mesh refinement method for the 1-D wave equation. I. Construction.
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Numerische Mathematik, vol. 95(2), pp. 197-221, aug, 2003 - A conservative space-time mesh refinement method for the 1-D wave equation. II. Analysis.
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Numerische Mathematik., vol. 95, no. 2, pp. 223--251, 2003 - Numerical and analytical studies of the linear sampling method in electromagnetic inverse scattering problems
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Inverse Problems, vol. 19 (6), pp. 1279 - 1298, 2003
- Domain decomposition method for harmonic wave propagation: a general presentation.
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Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., vol. 184, no. 2-4, pp. 171--211, 2000 - Higher-order variational finite difference schemes for solving 3-D paraxial wave equations using splitting techniques.
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Wave Motion, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 101--116, 2000 []
- Une méthode de raffinement de maillage espace-temps pour le système de Maxwell en dimension un.
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C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I, vol. 328, no. 3, pp. 263--268, 1999
- A fictitious domain method for conformal modeling of the
perfect electric conductors in the FDTD method.
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IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation,, vol. 46, pp. 1519-1527, 1997 - A new interface condition in the non-overlapping domain decomposition method for the Maxwell equations.
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Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., vol. 148, no. 1-2, pp. 195--207, 1997 - Fictitious domain method for unsteady problems: application to electromagnetic scattering.
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J. Comput. Phys., vol. 138, no. 2, pp. 907--938, 1997
- New absorbing boundary conditions for the finite element solution
of 3D Maxwell's equations
IEEE Trans. on Magnetics,, vol. 31, pp. 1696--1701, 1995 - Splitting of operators, alternate directions, and paraxial approximations for the three-dimensional wave equation.
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 1019--1048, 1995
- Nouvelles conditions absorbantes d'ordre élevé pour les équations
de Maxwell
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Revue Scientifique et technique de la Défense, vol. Bicentenaire ETCA, pp. 145-155, 1994
International conferences with proceedings
- A generalized Holland model for wave diffraction by thin wires
pp. 269 - 272, International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA, Turin Italie, sep, 2007 - A generalized Holland model for wave diffraction by thin wires
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Conference on Computational Electromagnetism and Acoustics, Oberwolfach Allemagne, feb, 2007
- On the validation of the linear sampling method in electromagnetic inverse scattering problems
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pp. 649-655, Mathematical and numerical aspects of wave propagation, Jyväskylä , Finland, Springer, 2003
- A new space-time mesh refinement method for Maxwell's equations
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Mathematical and numerical aspects of wave propagation (Santiago de Compostela), pp. 787--791, SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, 2000
- Higher order numerical schemes for paraxial approximations of the wave equation
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2nd International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics,, aug, 1995 - On two Migration Methods based on Paraxial Equations in a 3D heterogeneous Medium
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Mathematical Methods in Geophysical Imaging III, part of SPIE’s 1995 International Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering and Instrumentation, San Diego, jul, 1995
Conferences without proceedings
- A generalized Holland model for wave diffraction by thin wires
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Cinquiemes journees singulieres, Luminy France, apr, 2007 - A generalized Holland model for wave diffraction by thin wires
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WONAPDE, Concpcion Chili, jan, 2007
Research reports
- Numerical MicroLocal Analysis Revisited
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jan, 2011
- Augmented Galerkin schemes for the numerical solution of scattering by small obstacles
may, 2007
- Modélisation de filtres optiques par élements finis et équations intégrales
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Rapport final pour le contrat INRIA-ATMEL, 2002 - On the validation of the linear sampling method in electromagnetic inverse scattering problems
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INRIA, 2002
- Higher Order Numerical Schemes for the Paraxial Wave Equation.
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Rapport annuel, Consortium PSI (Prestack Structural Interpretation), 1995., 1995
- Some new developments about paraxial approximations for the 3D wave equation.
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Rapport annuel, Consortium PSI (Prestack Structural Interpretation), 1994., 1994