UMA Home page for Stefania Maroso
OC team

Former member
was: phd student
was: phd student
Ph.D. 2006
Papers in peer-reviewed journals
- Numerical approximation for a superreplication problem under gamma constraints
, , and
SIAM. J. of Num. Analysis., vol. 47(3), pp. 2289-2320, 2009 []
- Some convergence results for Howard's algorithm
, and
SIAM J. of Num. Analysis., vol. 47(4), pp. 3001--3026, 2009 []
- Error estimates for a stochastic impulse control problem
, and
Applied. Math. and Optimisation, vol. 55-3, pp. 327--357, 2007 []
- Error estimates for stochastic differential game: the adverse stopping case
, and
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, vol. 28, pp. 188-212, 2006 []
Conferences without proceedings
- A super-linear convergence result for Howard algorithm
, and
Second European Conference on Computational Optimization, Montpellier (France), apr, 2007 - Approximation numérique pour un problème de sur-couverture
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Conférence de la SMAI sur l'Optimisation et la Décision, Paris (France), avr 2007
- Analyse numérique pour un problème de sur-couverture en finance
, , and
Journée "Théorie du contrôle", Université de Orsay, France, Décembre 2006., 2006 - Error estimate for a stochastic impulse control problem
, and
Conference on Numerical Methods in Finance, INRIA Rocquencourt, France, Février, feb, 2006 - Numerical analysis for super-replication problems
, , and
New trends in viscosity solutions and non-linear PDE, Lisboa, Portugal, July 2006, 2006
- Error estimate for a stochastic impulse control problem
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Conference on Opimization under Uncertainties, Université de Heidelberg, Allemagne, September, 2005 - Error estimates for a stochastic differential game
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22nd IFIP, Conference on System Modeling and Optimization, Ecole Polytechnique de Turin, Italie, Juillet, jul, 2005 - Estimation d'erreur pour un problème de contrôle impulsionnel
, et
2ème Congrès National des Mathématiques Appliquées, Evian, France, Mai, mai 2005 - Numerical mathods for HJB equations and error estimates
, and
Conference on Optimization Frameworks for Industrial Applications, EDF, Paris, France, Octobre, oct, 2005
- Poster: Stochastic differential game: the adverse stopping case
, and
FGS-2004, Université d'Avignon, France, Septembre, sep, 2004 - Stochastic differential game: the adverse stopping case
, and
Numerical methods for viscosity solutions and applications, Université La Sapienza, Rome, Italie, Septembre, sep, 2004
Doctoral these
- Analyse numérique de problème de contrôle stochastique
Soutenue le 7 Décembre 2006 à l'Université Paris VI, Université Paris VI - Pierre et Marie Curie, déc 2006 []
Research reports
- Error estimate for a stochastic impulse control problem
, and
Rapport de Recherche INRIA, RR-5606, Juin, jun, 2005
- Error estimates for stochastic differential games: the adverse stopping case
, and
Rapport de recherche INRIA, RR-5441, 2004