UMA Home page for Marie-Christine Costa

Research activities (sorry, only french text)
Domaines de recherche
Recherche Opérationnelle - Operations Research
• Optimisation discrète déterministe en Recherche Opérationnelle: programmation mathématique.
• Optimisation linéaire mixte robuste.
• Optimisation dans les graphes.
• Applications à la localisation, aux réseaux de télécommunications et de distribution d'énergie.
Other activities (sorry, only french text)
Professeur émérite au CNAM. Membre du CEDRIC en collaboration avec l'ENSTA.
Sites de références:
**Master Parisien de Recherche Opérationnelle (MPRO)
Papers in peer-reviewed journals
- Minimal graphs for 2-factor extension
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Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 282, pp. 65-79, Elsevier, aug, 2020 []
- On the edge capacitated Steiner tree problem
, and
Discrete Optimization, vol. 38: 100607, pp. 1--31, Elsevier, nov, 2020 []
- Formulations for designing robust networks. An application to wind power collection
, , and
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, vol. 64, pp. 365-374, Elsevier, feb, 2018 - Minimal graphs for matching extensions
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Discrete Applied Math., vol. 234, pp. 47--55, 2018 []
- Robust capacitated trees and networks with uniform demands *
, , and
jan, 2018
- Robust optimal sizing of an hybrid energy stand-alone system
, and
European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 254 (2), pp. 565-575, apr, 2016 []
- 2-Stage Robust MILP with continuous recourse variables
, and
Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 170, pp. 21-32, Présenté à EURO-INFORMS International Conference on Operational research, Roma, 2013., 2014
- Optimizing the deployment of a multilevel optical FTTH network
, , and
European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 222(3), pp. 430--440, 2012 - d-Transversals of Stable Sets and Vertex Covers in Weighted Bipartite Graphs
, , , and
Journal of Discrete Algorithms, vol. 17, pp. 95--102, 2012
- Minimum d-blockers and d-transversals in graphs
, and
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, vol. 22-4, pp. 857-872, Springer, 2011
- Blockers and Transversals in some subclasses of bipartite graphs: when caterpillars are dancing on a grid
, , , , and
Discrete Mathematics, vol. 310 (0), pp. 132--146, Elsevier, 2010 - On the use of graphs in discrete tomography
, , and
Annals of Operations Research, vol. 175, pp. 287-307, Springer, mar, 2010
- Blockers and Transversals
, , , , and
Discrete Mathematics, vol. 13, pp. 4306--4314, Elsevier, 2009 - Cardinality constrained and multicriteria (multi)cut problems
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Journal of Discrete Algorithms, vol. 7 (1), pp. 102-111, 2009 - Degree-constrained edge partitioning in graphs arising from discrete tomography
, , , and
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, vol. 13 (2), pp. 99-118, 2009 - Graph coloring with cardinality constraints on the neighborhoods
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Discrete Optimization, vol. 6, 4, pp. 362--369, nov, 2009 - Multicut and integral multiflow in rings
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European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 196 (3), pp. 1251-1254, 2009
- Complexity results for the horizontal bar packing problem
, and
Information Processing Letters, vol. 108 (6), pp. 356-359, 2008 - On a graph coloring problem arising from discrete tomography
, , , and
Networks, vol. 51 (4), pp. 256-267, 2008
Paper in non peer-reviewed journals
- La RO au cœur du déploiement du Fiber To The Home à France-Télécom Orange: La RO récompensée par le prix Orange de l’Innovation 2012 (catégorie Réseau)
, , , , et
Bulletin de la ROADEF, vol. 29, pp. 8-11,, 2012
- Weighted Transversals and Blockers for Some Optimization Problems in Graphs
, , , and
"Progress in Combinatorial Optimization", pp. 203-222, Wiley, 2011
International conferences with proceedings
- Wind farm cable layout optimization with constraints of load flow and robustness
, , , and
ICREEE 2020: International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environment Engineering,Tokyo (on line), Japan, dec, 2020 []
- Formulations for designing robust networks. An application to wind power collection
, , and
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, vol. 64, pp. 365-374, INOC Inernational network optimization conference (Lisbonne)., feb, 2018
- A Robust Approach to Solve Mixed Integer Linear Optimization Problems with Uncertain Data. Tutorial.
pp. 21, ICORES International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (From joint works with A. Billionnet, P. Poirion, A. Faye, C. Hervet, M. Chardy and S. Francfort), mar, 2014 - Cabling optimization of a windfarm and capacitated K-Steiner tree
, , and
pp. 4 pages, PGMO-COPI'14 Gaspard Monge Program for Optimization - Conference on Optimization & Practices in Industry, Palaiseau, France, oct, 2014 - Minimum size extensible graphs for (near) perfect matchings
, and
International Conference on Graph Theory, Grenoble, France, apr, 2014
- Solving the Two-Stage Robust FTTH network design Problem under Demand Uncertainty
, , , and
ENDM, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, vol. 41, pp. 335-342, International Network Optimization Conference, INOC. (Tenerife, Spain), may, 2013
- Minimum d-Transversals of Maximum-Weight Stable Sets in Trees
, , , and
vol. 38, pp. 129-134, European conference on combinatorics, graph theory and applications EuroComb'11, ENDM, aug, 2011
- Approximating hv-convex binary matrices and images from discrete projections
, and
vol. 4992, pp. 413-422, International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery 16-18 April 2008 Lyon, France, apr, 2008
Conferences without proceedings
- Extenseurs hamiltoniens minimaux.
, and
ROADEF, feb, 2018 []
- Optimisation du maillage électrique du parc éoliennes off-shore – projet Stationis
, , , et
ROADEF (Metz), fév 2017 []
- d-extensibles de stables dans les graphes bipartis
, et
fév 2017 []
- A general framework for finding d-transversals in graphs
, and
EURO (Glasgow), 2015
- A Steiner tree problem with capacity constraints
, and
GO IX, Ninth international colloquium on Graphs and Optimization, Sirmione, Italy,, jul, 2014 - d-extensible sets of stable sets in bipartite graphs
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pp. 14, GO IX, Ninth international colloquium on Graphs and Optimization, jul, 2014
- Optimisation robuste d’un parc autonome de production d’électricité
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pp. 71, ROADEF (Troyes), fév 2013
- Robust optimal sizing of an hybrid energy stand-alone system
, and
pp. 191, 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP 2012) (and ROADEF 2012), Berlin, Germany,, aug, 2012 - Robust optimization of optical fiber access networks deployments
, , , and
International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP 2012) (and EURO 2012, Vilnius, Lithuania), Berlin, Germany,, aug, 2012
- Optimizing a hybrid energy system
, and
pp. 20-22, Conference on Optimization and Practices in Industry (COPI'11) (and ROADEF 2012), nov, 2011 []
- Minimum d-blockers and d-transversals for the maximum stable set problem
, and
EURO, Lisbonne, Portugal, jul, 2010 - On matchings and stable sets in bipartite graphs
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Graphs and Optimization VII, Ovronnaz, Suisse, jun, 2010 - d-bloqueurs et d-transversaux des stables maximums de graphes bipartis
, et
ROADEF, Toulouse, fév 2010
- Une nouvelle classe de graphes : les hypotriangulés.
, et
ROADEF 2009, Nancy, fév 2009
Research report
- On hypochordal graphs
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2011 []
Other publication
- GPON, un outil d'aide à la décision pour le déploiement des réseaux optiques FTTH.
, , , , et
1er prix Orange Labs Award, Catégorie réseaux., jan 2012