UMA Home page for Athena Picarelli
OC team

Former member
was: phd student
was: phd student
Ph.D. 2015
Research activities
The formulation of optimal control problems involving realistic models typically involves constraints on control and state variables, to take account of a target to be reached, mechanical or thermal constraints, obstacles, etc.
When constraints are present and when, as is often the case, rather severe controllability conditions are not satisfied, it is known that the value function may be discontinuous and these discontinuities pose some well-known issue in the characterization of the value function as unique viscosity solution of a suitable Hmilton-Jacobi equation.
Aim of my research is to provide a rigorous mathematical formalism that leads to a computation of the value function (or an other object of interest) also in absence of controllability assumption.
Main topics of interest: First and second order Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations,
stochastic optimal control, viscosity solutions, numerical methods for partial differential equations.
Teaching activities
TP for the course "Numerical methods for partial differential equations in finance".
Papers in peer-reviewed journals
- Infinite Horizon Stochastic Optimal Control Problems with Running Maximum Cost
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SIAM J. Control Optim., vol. 56(5), pp. 3296--3319, 2018
- State-constrained stochastic optimal control problems via reachability approach
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SIAM J. on Control and Optimization, vol. 54 (5), pp. 2568–2593, 2016
- Dynamic programming and error estimates for stochastic control problems with maximum cost
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Applied Mathematics and Optimization (AMO, Springer), vol. 71(1), pp. 125--163, 2015 - Zubov’s method for controlled diffusions with state constraints
Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, vol. 22 (6), pp. 1765–1799, Springer Verlag, 2015
- A patchy dynamic programming scheme for a class of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation
, , and
SIAM J. Scientific Computing, vol. 34 (5), pp. A2625-A2649, 2012
International conference with proceedings
- Reachability for state constrained stochastic control problems
MTNS, jul, 2012
Conference without proceedings
- New approach for stochastic target problems with state constraints
ICCOPT, jul, 2013
Doctoral these
- On some stochastic control problems with state constraints
Ecole doctorale de l'Ecole polytechnique ED 447, apr, 2015