UMA Home page for Frédéric Jean

Dir. UMA
Dir. UMA
Research Habilitation 2007
Ph.D. 1998
Research activities
Since my PhD in Mathematics at the University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6) in 1998, I am teacher and researcher in the group Optimization and Control of the Department of Applied Mathematics (UMA) of ENSTA. I am at the moment Director of UMA.
My research activities fall within the context of the non-linear control theory, and more specifically the one of Geometric Control. My research focuses firstly on theoretical aspects: sub-Riemannian geometry, non-holonomic systems, geometric approach to optimal control; and secondly on modeling neurophysiology through controlled system, mainly by identification of principles of minimization (inverse optimal control problems).
PhD students:
- Ruixing Long (co-supervision with Yacine Chitour), defended in 2010;
- Dario Prandi (co-supervision with Ugo Boscain, Mario Sigalotti), defended in 2013;
- Cristopher Hermosilla (co-supervision with Hasnaa Zidani), defended in 2015;
- Boutheina Hafassa (co-supervision with Yacine Chitour, Mario Sigalotti), defended in 2016;
- Walid Bouhafs (co-supervision with Nahla Abdellatif), defended in 2016;
- Sofya Maslovskaya (co-supervision with Igor Zelenko), defended in 2018;
- Emilien Flayac (co-supervision with Karim Dahia et Bruno Hérissé), defended in 2019
- Meryem Kafnemer (co-supervision with Yacine Chitour), defended in 2022;
- Othmane Jerhaoui (co-supervision with Hasnaa Zidani), defended in 2022;
- Clara Leparoux (co-supervision with Bruno Hérissé), defended in 2023;
- En Lai (co-supervision with Antoine Girard and Riccardo Bonalli), since 2024;
Other activities
List of publications (HAL)
Papers in peer-reviewed journals
- A unifying vision of Particle Filtering and Explicit Dual Control
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submitted - Co-Contraction Embodies Uncertainty: An Optimal Feedforward Strategy for Robust Motor Control
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submitted - Inverse optimal control problem in the non autonomous linear-quadratic case
- Statistical Linearization for Robust Motion Planning
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Systems and Control Letters, vol. 189, pp. 105825, Elsevier, may, 2024
- Deterministic optimal control on Riemannian manifolds under probability knowledge of the initial condition
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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2023 - On the Accessibility and Controllability of Statistical Linearization for Stochastic Control: Algebraic Rank Conditions and their Genericity
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Mathematical Control and Related Fields, AIMS, 2023 - Robust Motion Planning of the Powered Descent of a Space Vehicle
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IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 56 (2), pp. 2001-2006, Elsevier, 2023
- Lp-asymptotic stability of 1D damped wave equations with localized and linear damping
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ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, EDP Sciences, jan, 2022 - Structure of optimal control for planetary landing with control and state constraints
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ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, vol. 28, EDP Sciences, 2022
- On Weyl's type theorems and genericity of projective rigidity in sub-Riemannian Geometry
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Geometriae Dedicata, vol. 213 (1), pp. 295-314, Springer Verlag, 2021
- A Geometrical Approach for the Optimal Control of Sequencing Batch Bio-Reactors
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Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 2020 - Efficient computation of optimal open-loop controls for stochastic systems
Automatica, vol. 115, 2020 - On the regularity of abnormal minimizers for rank 2 sub-Riemannian structures
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Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, vol. 133, pp. 118-138, 2020 - Periodical body's deformations are optimal strategies for locomotion
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 38, Issue 8, pp. 1700-1714, 2020 - Stochastic optimal open-loop control as a theory of force and impedance planning via muscle co-contraction
PLOS Computational Biology, vol. 16(2): e1007414, 2020
- Horizontal holonomy and foliated manifolds
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Annales de l'Institut Fourier, vol. 69 (3), pp. 1047-1086, Association des Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 2019 - On projective and affine equivalence of sub-Riemannian metrics
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Geometriae Dedicata, vol. 203(1), pp. 279--319, Springer Verlag, 2019
- On measures in sub-Riemannian geometry
Séminaire de Théorie spectrale et géométrie (Grenoble), vol. 33 (2015-2016), pp. 17--46, 2018
- Inverse Optimal Control Problem: the Sub-Riemannian Case
, and
IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 50, pp. 500--505, 2017
- Why Don't We Move Slower? The Value of Time in the Neural Control of Action
The Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 36 (4), pp. 1056-1070, jan, 2016
- Complexity of control-affine motion planning
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 53 (2), pp. 816--844, 2015 - Hausdorff volume in non equiregular sub-Riemannian manifolds
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, pp. 345--377, 2015
- Commande optimale en temps minimal d’un procédé biologique d’épuration de l’eau
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ARIMA, vol. 18, 2014
- A Global Steering Method for Nonholonomic Systems
, and
Journal of Differential Equations, vol. 254, pp. 1903--1956, 2013 - A new class of $({\cal H}^k,1)$-rectifiable subsets of metric spaces
Com. on Pure and Applied Analysis, vol. 12, pp. 881--898, 2013 - On the inverse optimal control problems of the human locomotion: stability and robustness of the minimizers
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Journal of Mathematical Sciences, vol. 195, pp. 269--287, 2013
- Optimal control models of the goal-oriented human locomotion
, and
SIAM J. Control and Optimization, vol. 50 (1), 2012
- A biomechanical inactivation principle
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Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, vol. 268, pp. 93--116, 2010
- A biomechanical theory of inactivation
, and
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, vol. 12, N. 1 supp 1, Taylor & Francis, 2009
- Singular trajectories of control-affine systems
, and
SIAM J. Control Optim., vol. 47 (2), pp. 1078--1095, 2008 - The Inactivation Principle: Mathematical Solutions Minimizing the Absolute Work and Biological Implications for the Planning of Arm Movements
, , , , and
PLoS Computational Biology, oct, 2008
- Genericity results for singular curves
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Journal of Differentiel Geometry, vol. 73 (1), pp. 45--73, 2006
- Nonhomogeneous nilpotent approximations for systems with singularities
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IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 49(2), pp. 261-266, 2004
- Entropy and Complexity of a Path in Sub-Riemannian Geometry
ESAIM: Cont. Opt. Calc. Var, vol. 9, pp. 485-506, 2003 - Generic properties of singular trajectories
, and
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, vol. 337 (1), pp. 49-52, 2003 - Measures of Transverse Paths in Sub-Riemannian Geometry
Journal d'Analyse Mathematique, vol. 91(1), pp. 231-246, dec, 2003
- Complexity of Nonholonomic motion planning
International Journal of Control, vol. 74(8), pp. 776-782, 2001 - Uniform Estimation of Sub-Riemannian Balls
Journal on Dynamical and Control Systems, vol. 7 (4), pp. 473-500, oct, 2001
- Multiplicity of Polynomials on Trajectories of Polynomials Vector Fields in C3
, and
Banach Center Publications, vol. 44(1), pp. 109-121, Singularities Symposium - Lojasiewicz 70, Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences, 1998
- The Car with N Trailers: Characterization of the Singular Configurations
ESAIM: Cont. Opt. Calc. Var, vol. 1, 1996
- Control of Nonholonomic Systems: from Sub-Riemannian Geometry to Motion Planning
Springer International Publishing, SpringerBriefs in Mathematics, 2014
- Stabilité et Commande des Systèmes Dynamiques. Cours et exercices corrigés
Coll. Les Cours, Les Presses de l'ENSTA, 200 pages, nov 2011
- Optimality and modularity in human movement: from optimal control to muscle synergies
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in Biomechanics of Anthropomorphic Systems, G. Venture, J-P. Laumond and B. Watier (Eds), vol. 124, pp. 105--133, Springer International Publishing, 2019
- On the duration of human movement: from self-paced to slow/fast reaches up to Fitts's law
In Geometric and Numerical Foundations of Movements, J-P. Laumond, N. Mansard, and J-B. Lasserre (Eds.), Springer International Publishing, 2017
- La mécanique des Sphères de Lie: un futur pour la CAO?
Des mathématiques au monde socio-économique, vol. 28, Publications de la SMF, 2015
- Hausdorff measures and dimensions in non equiregular sub-Riemannian manifolds
Geometric Control and sub-Riemannian geometry, vol. 5, Springer INdAM Series, 2014
- Paths in Sub-Riemannian Geometry
Nonlinear Control in the Year 2000, Springer (A. Isidori, F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue and W. Respondek Eds.), 2000
- Geometry of Nonholonomic Systems
, and
Robot Motion Planning and Control, vol. 229, Springer (J.-P. Laumond Ed.), 1998
International conferences with proceedings
- A Mayer optimal control problem on Wasserstein spaces over Riemannian manifolds
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IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 55 (16), pp. 44-49, Elsevier, 2022 - Optimal planetary landing with pointing and glide-slope constraints
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2022 61th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), apr, 2022
- Injectivity of the inverse optimal control problem for control-affine systems
2019 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Nice, France, dec, 2019
- Dual Particle Output Feedback Control based on Lyapunov drifts for nonlinear systems
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pp. 250-255, 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (Miami Beach), dec, 2018 - Inverse Optimal Control Problem: The Linear-Quadratic Case
2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (Miami Beach), dec, 2018
- Nonlinear Fisher Particle Output Feedback Control and its application to Terrain Aided Navigation
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pp. 1566--1571, 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Melbourne, 2017
- Commande optimale en temps minimal d'un procédé biologique d'épuration de l'eau
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pp. 225-226, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference CB-WR-MED Conference/ 2nd AOP' Tunisia Conference for Sustainable Water Management. Tunis: April, 24―27, (Tunis), 2013 - Geometric modeling of the movement based on an inverse optimal control approach
, and
52th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Firenze, Italy, 2013
- Commande optimale en temps minimal d’un procédé biologique d’épuration de l’eau
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CARI'12, Colloque Africain sur la Recherche en Informatique et en Mathématiques Appliquées (CARI’2012) (Alger), 2012
- Biologically Inspired Sensory Motor Control of a 2-Link Robotic Arm Actuated by McKibben Muscles
, , , , and
2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2011
- An explicit desingularization procedure for general nonholonomic systems
, and
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, 2010 - Analysis of optimal control models for the human locomotion
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49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, 2010
- A global steering method for general dynamical nonholonomic systems
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48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Shangai, 2009 - Asymptotic analysis of an optimal control problem connected to the human locomotion
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48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Shangai, 2009
- A globally convergent steering algorithm for regular nonholonomic systems
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44th IEEE CDC-ECC'05, Séville, Spain, 2005 - Singular trajectories of driftless and control-affine systems
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44th IEEE CDC-ECC'05, Séville, Spain, 2005
- Measures of Sub-Riemannian Paths
1st Junior European Conference on Control Theory and Stabilization, Dijon, 2002
- Elementary Approximation of Exponentials of Lie Polynomials
vol. 1255, 12th AAECC Symp., Springer (T. Mora and H. Mattson Eds.), 1997
- The Singular Locus for the n Trailers Car Control System
34th IEEE CDC, New Orleans, LA, 1995
Conferences without proceedings
- A geometrical approach for the resolution of an optimal control problem. 2013
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International Conference on Advances in Applied Mathematics ICAAM-2013, Dec 2013, Hammamet, Tunisia, 2013 - Goal-oriented locomotion: the inverse optimal approach
SADCO Internal Meeting, 21-25 January 2013, Funchal, Portugal, 2013
- A new class of (H^k,1)-rectifiable subsets of metric spaces.
INDAM meeting on Geometric Control and sub-Riemannian Geometry Cortona, Italy, May 21 - 25, 2012 - Contrôle des systèmes non-holonomes et géométrie sous-riemannienne (mini-cours)
Ecole de recherche CIMPA "Géométrie sous-riemannienne", Beyrouth, Liban, 30 janvier - 9 février, 2012 - Minimization principles in human motions: the inverse optimal control approach
PICOF'12, Inverse Problems, Control and Shape Optimization, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, April 2 - 4, 2012
- Minimization principles in human motions and inverse optimal control
Contrôle, Imagerie et Probabilités en Méditerranée, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 24 -- 28 octobre, 2011 - Nonholonomic control systems: nilpotent approximations, desingularization and steering by sinusoidal controls
Vector Distributions and sub-Riemannian Systems, Banach Center, Warsaw, March 30 -- April 1, 2011 - Principes de minimisation dans les mouvements humains: l'approche par le contrôle optimal inverse
Journée du GT8 Robotique et Neurosciences du GDR Robotique, Paris, 23 Juin, 2011
- Analysis of an optimal control problem modeling the human locomotion
Premières journées scientifiques du Laboratoire Euro Maghrébin de Mathématiques et de leurs Interactions (LEM2I), Tipaza, Algérie, 13 22 juin, 2010 - On Hausdorff Measures of Curves in Sub-Riemannian Geometry
New Trends in Sub-Riemannian Geometry, University of Nice, March 29 -- April 2, 2010 - On Hausdorff Measures of Curves in Sub-Riemannian Geometry
Géométrie sous-riemannienne et singularités, Chambéry, 14 et 15 octobre, 2010 - Optimal control models of the goal-oriented human locomotion
Workshop on Nonlinear Control and Singularities, Porquerolles, France, October 24th-28th, 2010 - Tangent cone and Hausdoff measure of curves
Franco-Brazilian Workshop on Sub-Riemannian Geometry, Belem, August 23-27, 2010
- Asymptotic analysis of an optimal control problem connected to the human locomotion
48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Shanghai, China, December 16-18,, 2009 - Asymptotic analysis of an optimal control problem modeling the human locomotion
14th Belgian-French-German Conference on Optimization, Leuven, September 14-18, 2009
- On Rectifiability and Hausdorff Measures of Curves in Sub-Riemannian Geometry
Differential Equations and Topology, Moscow, June 17--22, 2008
- Singular trajectories of control-affine systems
13th Czech-French-German Conference on Optimization, Heidelberg, 2007
- Generic results for horizontal and singular curves of rank-varying distributions
Workshop on "Geometry of vector distributions, differential equations, and variational problems", SISSA, Trieste, 2006
- Genericity results for singular tra jectories
22nd IFIP TC 7 Conference on System Modeling and Optimization, Turin, 2005
- Singular curves in sub-Riemannian geometry : generic properties and optimality status
Colloquia on Control Theory and Partial Differential Equations, CNR-IAC et Universités "La Sapienza" et "Tor Vergata", Rome, 2004
- Genericity results for singular curves
Workshop on geometry in nonlinear control, Banach Center, Pologne, 2003 - Iterative steering methods for generic driftless control systems
Meeting on Control Theory and Stabilization, Université de Turin, 2003
- Gromov's metric tangent cone of a SR manifold
4th Conference on Dynamical System and Differentiable Equations, University of North Carolina, 2002
- Principes de minimisation dans les mouvements humains et contrôle optimal inverse
Séminaire Mécanique et géométrie, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, mar 2013 - Volumes de Hausdorff en géométrie sous-riemannienne
Colloquium de l'Institut de Mathématiques de Bourgogne, jun 2013
- Principes de minimisation dans les mouvements humains: l'approche par le contrôle optimal inverse
Séminaire du CAS, Mines Paris, nov 2012 - Principes de minimisation dans les mouvements humains: l'approche par le contrôle optimal inverse
Séminaire MOD, Université de Limoges, jun, 2012
- Un principe dinactivation pour la planification motrice des mouvements du bras
Séminaire CMAP -- 13 avril, 2010
- Un principe dinactivation pour la planification motrice des mouvements du bras
Séminaire ISIR, Jussieu, 5 février, 2009
- Courbes singulières dune distribution
Séminaire Université de Savoie, Chambéry, 28 mars, 2008 - Sur la synthèse optimale dun modèle de locomotion humaine
Séminaire du LAAS, Toulouse, 11 janvier, 2008
- Algorithmes pour la planification de mouvements en robotique non holonome
Séminaire CEP Arcueil-ENSTA, fév 2006
Habilitation these
- Géométrie sous-riemannienne et contrôle non-linéaire
Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches de l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie (spécialité: mathématiques), mar 2007 []
Doctoral these
- Complexités pour les systèmes non-holonomes
Thèse de doctorat de l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie (spécialité : mathématiques), jan 1998
Research reports
- Control of Nonholonomic Systems and Sub-Riemannian Geometry
eprint arXiv:1209.4387, Ecole de recherche CIMPA "Géométrie sous-riemannienne", Beyrouth, Liban, 30 janvier - 9 février 2012, 2013
- An Approximate Algorithm for Nonholonomic Motion Planning
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Preprint CMAP N. 651, dec, 2008 []
- On Hausdorff Measures of Curves in Sub-Riemannian Geometry
Preprint du CMAP, École Polytechnique, nov, 2006
Lecture note
- Géométrie Différentielle et Application au Contrôle Géométrique
Cours AOT13, mai 2021