Page UMA de Marc Bonnet

Directeur de Recherche
Directeur de Recherche
HDR 1995
Doctorat 1986
Articles (revues avec comité de lecture)
À paraître
- Shape optimization of slip-driven axisymmetric microswimmers
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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, à paraître []
- Active design of diffuse acoustic fields in enclosures
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J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 155, pp. 1297-1307, 2024 []
- Fast, high-order numerical evaluation of volume potentials via polynomial density interpolation
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Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 511, pp. 113091, 2024 []
- Modified error-in-constitutive-relation (MECR) framework for the characterization of linear viscoelastic solids
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Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol. 190, pp. 105746, 2024 - On particular solutions of linear partial differential equations with polynomial right-hand-sides
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Computers and Mathematics with Applications, vol. 162, pp. 94-103, 2024 []
- Solvability results for the transient acoustic scattering by an elastic obstacle
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Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol. 536, pp. 128198, 2024 []
- Eddy-current asymptotics of the Maxwell PMCHWT formulation for multiple bodies and conductivity levels
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, vol. 141, pp. 80-101, 2023 []
- Modelling of the fatigue cracking resistance of grid reinforced asphalt concrete by coupling fast BEM and FEM
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vol. 24, pp. 631-652, 2023 []
- Quantifying mixing in arbitrary fluid domains: A Padé approximation approach.
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Numerical Algorithms, vol. 93, pp. 441-458, 2023 []
- Shape optimization of peristaltic pumps transporting rigid particles in Stokes flow
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SIAM J. Sci. Comp., vol. 45, pp. B78-B106, 2023 []
- On the justification of topological derivative for wave-based qualitative imaging of finite-sized defects in bounded media
Engineering Computations, special issue on the topological derivative method and its applications in computational engineering (S. Amstutz, S. Giusti, A. Novotny, guest editors), vol. 39, pp. 313-336, 2022 []
- An adaptive eigenfunction basis strategy to reduce design dimension in topology optimization
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Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng., vol. 122, pp. 7452-7481, 2021 []
- Effective wave motion in periodic discontinua near spectral singularities at finite frequencies and wavenumbers
Wave Motion, vol. 103, pp. 102729, 2021 []
- General-purpose kernel regularization of boundary integral equations via density interpolation
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Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng., vol. 378, pp. 113703, 2021 []
- Optimal ciliary locomotion of axisymmetric microswimmers
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J. Fluid Mech., vol. 927, pp. A22, 2021 []
- Optimal slip velocities of micro-swimmers with arbitrary axisymmetric shapes
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J. Fluid Mech., vol. 910, pp. A26, 2021 []
- A fast boundary element method using the Z-transform and high-frequency approximations for large-scale 3D transient wave problems
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Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng., vol. 121, pp. 4734-4767, 2020 - Modified forward and inverse Born series for the Calderon and diffuse-wave problems
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Inverse Problems, vol. 36, pp. 114001, 2020 []
- Shape optimization of Stokesian peristaltic pumps using boundary integral methods
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Advances in Computational Mathematics, vol. 46, pp. 18, 2020 []
- A Fourier-accelerated volume integral method for elastoplastic contact
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Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng., vol. 351, pp. 951-976, 2019 []
- Analysis of the error in constitutive equation approach for time-harmonic elasticity imaging
SIAM J. Appl. Math., vol. 79, pp. 822–849, 2019 []
- Analysis of topological derivative as a tool for qualitative identification
Inverse Problems, vol. 35, pp. 104007, 2019 []
- Modeling multicrack propagation by the fast multipole symmetric Galerkin BEM
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Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, vol. 106, pp. 309-319, 2019 []
- The eddy current model as a low-frequency, high-conductivity asymptotic form of the Maxwell transmission problem
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, vol. 77, pp. 2145-2161, 2019 []
- Inverse acoustic scattering using high-order topological derivatives of misfit functional
Inverse Problems and Imaging, vol. 12, pp. 921-953, 2018 []
- Microstructural topological sensitivities of the second-order macroscopic model for waves in periodic media
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SIAM J. Appl. Math, vol. 78, pp. 2057-2082, 2018 []
- A modified volume integral equation for anisotropic elastic or conducting inhomogeneities. Unconditional solvability by Neumann series
Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, vol. 29, pp. 271-295, 2017 []
- Application of asymptotic analysis to the two-scale modeling of small defects in mechanical structures
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Int. J. Solids Structures, vol. 128, pp. 199-209, 2017 []
- Higher order topological derivatives for three-dimensional anisotropic elasticity
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, vol. 51, pp. 2069-2092, 2017 []
- A multi-step solution algorithm for Maxwell boundary integral equations applied to low-frequency electromagnetic testing of conductive objects
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IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 52, pp. 7005208, 2016 []
- Effective Transmission Conditions for Thin-Layer Transmission Problems in Elastodynamics. The Case of a Planar Layer Model
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ESAIM: Math. Model. Numer. Anal, vol. 50, pp. 43-75, 2016 []
- Solvability of a volume integral equation formulation for anisotropic elastodynamic scattering
Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, vol. 28, pp. 169-203, 2016 []
- A modified error in constitutive equation approach for frequency-domain viscoelasticity imaging using interior data
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Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 296, pp. 129-149, 2015 []
- Solving multizone and multicrack elastostatic problems: a fast multipole symmetric Galerkin boundary element method approach
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Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, vol. 50, pp. 486-495, 2015 []
- Solving the hypersingular boundary integral equation for the Burton and Miller formulation
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J. acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 138, pp. 3332-3340, 2015 []
- The topological derivative of stress-based cost functionals in anisotropic elasticity
Computer and Mathematics with Applications, vol. 69, pp. 1144-1166, 2015 []
- Three-dimensional transient elastodynamic inversion using an error in constitutive relation functional
Inverse Problems, vol. 31, pp. 035010, 2015 []
- A new Fast Multipole formulation for the elastodynamic half-space Green's tensor
J. Comput. Phys., vol. 258, pp. 787-808, 2014 []
- Inverse material identification in coupled acoustic-structure interaction using a modified error in constitutive equation functional
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Computational Mechanics, vol. 54, pp. 645-659, 2014 []
- Surface integral equations for electromagnetic testing: the low-frequency and high-contrast case
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IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 50, 2014
- Acoustic inverse scattering using topological derivative of far-field measurements-based $L^2$ cost functionals
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Inverse Problems, vol. 29, pp. 075012, 2013 []
- Apposition of the topological sensitivity and linear sampling approaches to inverse scattering
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Wave Motion, vol. 50, pp. 891-908, 2013 []
- Large scale parameter estimation problems in frequency-domain elastodynamics using an error in constitutive equation functional
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Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Eng., vol. 253, pp. 60-72, 2013 []
- Qualitative identification of cracks using 3D transient elastodynamic topological derivative: formulation and FE implementation
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 253, pp. 89-105, 2013 []
- Recent Advances on the Fast Multipole Accelerated Boundary Element Method for 3D time-harmonic Elastodynamics
Wave Motion, vol. 50, pp. 1090-1104, 2013 - The topological derivative in anisotropic elasticity
Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math., vol. 66, pp. 557-586, 2013 []
- A preconditioned 3-D multi-region fast multipole solver for seismic wave propagation in complex geometries.
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Commun. Comput. Phys., vol. 11(2), pp. 594-609, 2012 - An adaptive algorithm for cohesive zone model and arbitrary crack propagation
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Eur. J. Comp. Mech., vol. 21, pp. 208-218, 2012 - Application of the multi-level time-harmonic fast multipole BEM to 3-D visco-elastodynamics
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Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, vol. 36, pp. 744-758, 2012 - The Variational Theory of Complex Rays for three-dimensional Helmholtz problems
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Journal of Computational Acoustics, vol. 20, pp. 1250021, 2012
- Accelerated Boundary Element Method for Diffuse Optical Imaging
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Optics Letters, vol. 36, pp. 4101-4103, 2011 - Fast identification of cracks using higher-order topological sensitivity for 2-D potential problems
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, vol. 35, pp. 223-235, 2011
- A new fast multi-domain BEM to model seismic wave propagation and amplification in 3D geological structures
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Geophys. J. Int., vol. 177, pp. 509-531, 2009
- A Fast Multipole accelerated BEM for 3-D elastic wave computation
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Revue Europeenne de Mecanique Numerique, vol. 17, pp. 701-712, 2008 - A multi-level fast multipole BEM for 3-D elastodynamics in the frequency domain
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Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 197, pp. 4233-4249, 2008
- A Fast Multipole Method formulation for 3D elastodynamics in the frequency domain
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C. R. Mecanique, vol. 335, pp. 714-719, 2007
Conférence internationale avec actes
- A hybrid method combining the surface integral equation method and ray tracing for the numerical simulation of high frequency diffraction involved in ultrasonic NDT
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J. Phys Conf. Ser., 16th Anglo-French Physical Acoustics Conference (AFPAC) 23–25 January 2017, Marseille, France, 2018 []
Conférence sans actes
- Méthode multipôle rapide multi-niveaux en visco-élastodynamique 3D
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10e colloque national en calcul des structures, 2011
Rapport de recherche
- H-matrix accelerated BEM-FEM coupling for dynamic analysis of naval structures under pulsating potential flow motion
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