Page UMA de Pierre-Louis Poirion
Équipe OC

Activités de recherche
Combinatorial Optimization: Build innovative algorithms for optimization problems with discrete variables\\
Robust Optimization: Study optimization problem having uncertain data. We look for the solution that minimize the worst cost induced by the uncertain data. \\
See personnal website for a recent publication list.
Bilevel Optimization: Optimization problem that model Stackelberg games: we optimize the decision of the leader that have to take into account the optimal response of the follower
Optimization & Big Data: We study large LP/ILP. We use random projection to reduce significantly the number of constraints in the problem and solve large optimization problem with short amount of time
Network Optimization: Optimal sensor location in networks, smartgrods
Activités d'enseignement
Graph Theory (2010-2013) : Seminar supervisor at National School of Computer Science for Industry and business (ENSIIE), undergraduate level
Optimization (2010-2013) : Seminar supervisor at National School of Computer Science for Industry and business (ENSIIE), undergraduate level
Big Data (2015 and 2016) : Seminar supervisor at Ecole Polytechnique, graduate level
Operation Research (2016): Seminar supervisor at Ensta-Paris, graduate level
Articles (revues avec comité de lecture)
- Formulations for designing robust networks. An application to wind power collection
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Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, vol. 64, pp. 365-374, Elsevier, feb, 2018 - Robust capacitated trees and networks with uniform demands *
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jan, 2018
- Robust optimal sizing of an hybrid energy stand-alone system
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European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 254 (2), pp. 565-575, apr, 2016 []
- The Power Edge Set problem
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Networks, 2016
- Observing the State of a Smart Grid Using Bilevel Programming
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Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015
- 2-Stage Robust MILP with continuous recourse variables
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Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 170, pp. 21-32, Présenté à EURO-INFORMS International Conference on Operational research, Roma, 2013., 2014
Articles (revues sans comité de lecture)
- On an optimal constraint aggregation method for integer programing and on a analytic expression of the number of integer points in a polytope
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- Gaussian random projection for Euclidean membership problems
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arXiv, 2015 - Using the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma in linear and integer programming
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arXiv, 2015
Conférences internationales avec actes
- Wind farm cable layout optimization with constraints of load flow and robustness
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ICREEE 2020: International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environment Engineering,Tokyo (on line), Japan, dec, 2020 []
- Formulations for designing robust networks. An application to wind power collection
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Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, vol. 64, pp. 365-374, INOC Inernational network optimization conference (Lisbonne)., feb, 2018
- Cabling optimization of a windfarm and capacitated K-Steiner tree
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pp. 4 pages, PGMO-COPI'14 Gaspard Monge Program for Optimization - Conference on Optimization & Practices in Industry, Palaiseau, France, oct, 2014
Conférences sans actes
- Optimisation robuste d’un parc autonome de production d’électricité
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pp. 71, ROADEF (Troyes), fév 2013
- Robust optimal sizing of an hybrid energy stand-alone system
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pp. 191, 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP 2012) (and ROADEF 2012), Berlin, Germany,, aug, 2012
- Optimizing a hybrid energy system
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pp. 20-22, Conference on Optimization and Practices in Industry (COPI'11) (and ROADEF 2012), nov, 2011 []